In My Garden This week…
Friday, April 30th, 2010I’ve started off my tomato plants and they’re doing well … some are already at second leaf stage. They’re still in the kitchen and being turned round in the windowsill a couple of times a day to ensure they don’t lean over too far. I’ve not got the heater down for the new greenhouse yet – will do soon just in case it turns cold!
My courgette seeds, aubergine and pepper seeds are all in seed trays in plastic bags on the window sill – been in a couple of days and a courguette is coming through already.
The chives are doing well in the tub under the tap! They die right back during the winter and just look like a bunch of dead straw but bounce back quickly!
In the greenhouse the salads, rocket, beans and spring onions are poking through! I’ve put carrot seeds in buckets. It was something everyone did at the allotments and put the tubs up high to stop carrot fly. I figure it’s worth a try!
After the hot weather it’s been nice to get some rain – but that’s enough now! Typical bank holiday weather I expect though. The lawn now needs a second cut of the season!