Slug Killer – review of nemaslug
Monday, May 31st, 2010
Nemaslug is the answer to all gardener’s prayers. A simple and effective way to kill slugs. It works for up to 6 weeks.
Nemaslug slug killer available at Unwins
It arrived on it’s own and should be placed in the fridge as soon as possible. It needs to be stored chilled as it contains live organisms called nematodeas.
Look on the inside packet for the date. Each pack has an expiry date by which you need to have used it.
You can use it outside from March until October – this is when slugs are active.. You can use it indoors inside your greenhouse during the winter months in addition to March – October as you may well have slugs living in the cosy warm of your greenhouse soil!
As any gardener who’s ever suffered the disappointment of finding seedlings all eaten, the slugs are one of the worst pests in the garden. To be able to eliminate them is the dream of most gardeners.
Applying the nemotodes is fairly straight forward. You should however wait until early evening to apply – so that there’s no strong sunlight about. Ideally the soil needs to stay moist for at least two weeks after you’ve put it on. This could mean a lot of watering if it doesn’t rain.
Go outside and find your watering can. It should have markings on the side – virtually all large ones do! You need to fill to the 2 Gallons level. Add one quarter of the packet to this and make sure it’s mixed up well. It’s easier to put in if you have a watering can with a large opening at the top. If you don’t, just open the packet by a corner and this makes it easier to get the powdery substance into the watering can.
Once mixed you need to water it on to the ground. One can should do about 10m²
You also need to then water in the same amount of plain water. You can use a coarse rose on the can if you have one.
Repeat for another 3 lots – until you have used the entire packet up. Make sure you have watered them in too.
You should find that within one week your seedlings and plants are protected. It should last for 6 weeks.
The bigger pack covers 100m²
It’s safe for animals and plants – and won’t hurt humans either! It’s the perfect answer to slug problems!