Wyevale Garden Centres reveals
Wednesday, July 18th, 2018Wyevale Garden Centres reveals:
Gardening Jobs of the Month for August
The UK’s gardeners are making the most of the August weather to spend time outdoors, but they should also be looking to the seasons ahead and begin preparing their garden for the colder spell. There are plenty of jobs to keep you busy in the garden this month; it’s the perfect time of year to plant your winter vegetables and start cutting back and deadheading flowers to encourage continual healthy growth.
David Mitchell, buying manager for horticulture at Wyevale Garden Centres, shares his gardening jobs of the month, helping you to get one step closer to your dream back garden:
- Safeguard your tomato plants
Remove the lower level leaves from your tomato plant to help reduce its risk of disease and keep it thriving for longer. When a tomato plant’s growth is dense or when the leaves lie to close to the ground this can mean that the leaves are permanently in the shade. By removing the lower level leaves from the plant the remaining leaves have more space and access to sunlight so are more likely to stay drier and free from soil containing pathogens, thus they are more protected from disease.
- Prune your perennial herbs
Whether you’re looking to flavour your meat or garnish your cocktails, herbs are the plant of the moment and a fantastic addition to gardens of all sizes. Oregano and thyme are perennial herbs which mean they grow back each year without needing to be replanted. To promote their growth each year, trim them in August before the winter months hit to ensure they withstand the frost.
- Plan ahead for gardening leave
It is important not to leave your plants neglected while you are on holiday. A great way to make sure your plants are being watered without asking the neighbours to cover is to invest in a growbag waterer. Once set up, you can control the amount and frequency of water needed for your plants, leaving them perfectly hydrated without becoming waterlogged.
- Lop back your lavender
As with many blooms, it’s important to cut back lavender after its flowering period to promote new growth. Make sure you do so lightly to help maintain the plant’s well-rounded shape. You should be pruning around one third of the plant using a sharp, clean set of pruning shears.
- Deadhead petunia and potted dahlias
Deadheading ensures that plants maintain a healthy continual bloom and August is the ideal month to trim back potted petunias and dahlias. Plants such as dahlias have tough and stringy stems so opt for secateurs, scissors or knives when removing the flower heads.
- Wind down for winter
Use thus month to plant your hardy vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and Brussel sprouts, so they are ready to be harvested throughout the winter months. Make sure you plant in an open site with free-draining soil and cultivate before planting to ensure these vegetables have the best chance of growing.
For more information and advice on August’s jobs of the month, along with all the tools you need to gain ground in the garden, visitwww.wyevalegardencentres.co.uk.