For anyone with an interest in home brewing, these books would be great for Christmas.

The Big Book Of Brewing £7.95
This is the book for any really enthusiastic and ambitious brewerthe person who wants to brew high quality true beers that were long thought beyond the ability of the amateur.
The Big Book of Brewing brings to beginners and experts alike a simple method of mashing for producing the finest flavoured beers, ales, stouts, and lagers from all-grain. It is the most advanced and comprehensive book on the subject.
Along with explaining how easy mashing is, Dave Line makes the concepts understandable and describes all the necessary equipment and ingredients needed to succeed. He uses his practical experience at home brewing his training as an electrical engineer and his outstanding sense of humor to shed new light on the topic of making beer from all-grain.

Brewing Beers Like Those You Buy £7.95
Quite simply, this book explains how to brew beers like those you buy
Real draught ale, bottled and keg beers, lagers and stouts are included in the 107 recipes collected from around the world. Home brewing is now a competent hobby backed by a mature industry that provides all the necessary ingredients as used by the commercial brewers.

Home Brewing Self Sufficiency £7.95
What could be better than enjoying a glass of delicious home-brewed organic beer? This book includes everything you’ll need to know to brew a variety of beers at home, from the equipment and techniques needed to a few inside secrets from a professional brewer.
In this timely book, John Parkes demystifies the brewing process and explains in easy-to-follow terms how anyone can produce delicious beer with the help of just some basic equipment and a few key skills. Those new to home brewing will love the easy-to-follow instructions and the detailed explanations of the brewing process and anyone already adept at home brewing will be delighted by the original recipes.
Made without unnecessary chemicals and additives, the beers featured here will appeal to anyone seeking a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Real Cider Making £5.95
Cider is a quite delicious drink which has been known for thousands of years and which has enjoyed a fashionable makeover in recent years. This practical book by Michael Pooley and John Lomax, both cidermakers of national repute for more than 20 years, explores both modern and traditional approaches, and has been designed to enable the enthusiast using any type of apples to make real cider with skill and confidence. The book covers the history of cidermaking, techniques for preserving apple juice for drinking, washing and crushing the apples, pressing the pulp, fermentation, blending and storing, cider-based recipes, the making of perry from pears and also includes instructions and a set of superb scaled plans for building an inexpensive cider press using hardwood or good quality softwood.

Making Sparkling Wines £5.95
Sparkling wines, or champagnes have a charm and attraction all their own: the are synonymous with celebration and happiness and are the natural choice for celebration and happiness and any kind of festivity.
And for a winemaker to produce his or her own sparkling wine is one-upmanship to the nth degree.
John Restall and Don Hebbs have spent decades exploring and in discovering the secrets of producing champagne-like wine of superb quality.

Making Mead £5.95
Mead is an alcoholic drink made by fermenting hone and water with yeast . A glass of lightly chilled mead on a summers evening is a splendid delight. And yet, of all the crafts of mankind, mead-making is certainly one of the oldest. it is likely that mead was made even before the wheel was invented a stone-age cave paintings depict the collection of honey from bee colonies. The drink made from honey became a staple Celtic, Anglo-saxon, Medieval and Renaissance Britain.

Growing Vines To Make Wines £5.95
Following his conversion from elderberry to the grape thirty years ago, Nick Poulter and his former business partner began planting a commercial vineyard to Cranmore on the Isle of Wight. By 1984 the vineyard was producing 15000 to 20000 bottles a year and the associated vine nursery around 30000 plants. The vineyard was sold at the time but the nursery continued until 1996.

130 New Winemaking Recipes £6.95
130 New Winemaking Recipies from fruit, flowers, vegetables and foliage are all dealt with in this great book
More than 500,000 copies of this practical little book, now in its updated third edition have been sold. This book supplements the best-selling First Steps in Winemaking and together both books form a comprehensive collection of recipes.

First Steps in Winemaking £6.95
Wines from fruit, flowers, vegetables, foliage and kits are all dealt with in this great book
More than three million beginners have been happily launched into the fascinating hobby of winemaking by this practical little book, the phenomenal success of which has made it the accepted introduction to the craft.
Wines from fruit, flowers, vegetables, foliage and kits are all dealt with and, for the more advanced winemaker, there are notes on making wines in bulk, showing wine and judging you will find it all in this book. Your fingers will itch to start winemaking right away!

Making Wines Like Those You Buy £5.95
In recent years there has been a rapid growth in the popularity of wines of all sorts. And although commercially produced wine has become less expensive, it is always a challenge to turn your own hand to reproducing the flavour and quality of commercial wines in your own home, using easily-obtained ingredients. Sauternes, Hocks, Moselles, Chianti, Madeiras, Champagnes and Liqueurs can all be made at home cheaply from easily available ingredients – are all possible with the help of this book. You can become a wine connoisseur on a shoestring budget! The line illustrations are all based on photographs from the Radio Times Hulton Picture Library.