Green manures DT Browns
Friday, September 27th, 2013
Green Manure Mustard (White) Seeds £1.79
Perfect for soils lacking organic matter, it grows on most soil types and produces large amounts of green matter and fibre and will help structure and moisture retention. Helps hold valuable nutrients and is ready for digging-in in only 4 to 8 weeks from sowing.

Green Manure Crimson Clover Seeds £1.79
A fast growing weed suppressant and great for beneficial insects, crimson clover is an excellent nitrogen ‘fixer’. Ideally dig in just before it flowers. Works very well in exposed areas.

Green Manure Lucerne (Alfalfa) Seeds £1.79
A deep rooting nitrogen fixer which will reach down and improve the sub-soil. If desired it can be left for a year or more before being dug in.

Green Manure Winter Rye Seeds £1.79
One of the very best over-wintering green manures. Soil structure is greatly improved through the abundance of fibrous roots produced and nutrient retention is improved in wet weather.

Green Manure Phacelia tanacetifolia Seeds £2.19
Winter hardy so can be over wintered. Ideal for adding humus content to impoverished soils.

Green Manure Seeds Collection £6.95
The great value collection includes:- Crimson Clover A fast growing weed suppressant and great for beneficial insects, crimson clover is an excellent nitrogen ‘fixer’. Ideally dig in just before it flowers. Works very well in exposed areas. Lucerne (Alfalfa), A deep rooting nitrogen fixer which will reach down and improve the sub-soil. If desired it can be left for a year or more before being dug in. Mustard (White) Perfect for soils lacking organic matter, it grows on most soil types and produces large amounts of green matter and fibre and will help structure and moisture retention. Helps hold valuable nutrients and is ready for digging-in in only 4 to 8 weeks from sowing. Phacelia tanacetifolia Winter hardy so can be over wintered. Ideal for adding humus content to impoverished soils. Winter Rye One of the very best over-wintering green manures. Soil structure is greatly improved through the abundance of fibrous roots produced and nutrient retention is improved in wet weather.

Autumn Sow Seed Collection £9.95
A collection of seeds for autumn sowing to give early crops next year just when the stores are depleted! The collection contains: Spring Onion, White Lisbon Winter Hardy Cauliflower, Mayflower F1 Cabbage, Spring Hero F1 Calabrese, Aquiles F1 Pea, Excellenz Broad Bean, Super Aquadulce Lettuce, Winter Density Green Manure, Phacelia tanacetifolia SAVE £4.27!