Archive for July, 2009
Friday, July 31st, 2009
Flowers for autumn and winter colour now available at Blooming Direct – Buy Garden and Plug plants with BloomingDirect #1 for Green Fingers!
Order over £35 of Autumn bedding plants and Blooming Direct will send you an additional mystery tray, FREE of charge!
Huge amount of flowers available – including this mega offer – Blooming Direct – Winter Flowering Bedding Plants x 240 plug plants £31.95 delivered
Polyanthus Mixed, Pansy Can Can, Viola Lilac shades and the simply stunning Dianthus Pink Shades. These 240 bedding plants are yours for less than 13p per plant including FREE delivery! This is enough plants to fill your garden with colour!
Impressive flowers available to make your autumn and winter garden look amazing. Bright colour flowers are just the thing for dark winter days!
Filed: Blooming Direct
Friday, July 31st, 2009
Pretty flowers in an instant – Garden Ready Plants from Jersey Plants Direct
Plus free delivery makes this an excellent offer!
Loads of really nice plants that are ready to go out in the garden now
Pansy Strawberry Rose 50 Plants +20 FREE
Sweet William Rouge Blush 50 Plants +20 FREE
Wallflower Citrus Burst 50 Plants +20 FREE
Polyanthus Gold Lace (large flowers) 50 Plants +20 FREE
Primrose Pink Parfait 50 Plants +20 FREE
Pansy Cascadia (Trailing) 50 Plants +20 FREE
Pansy Can Can 50 Plants +20 FREE
Pansy Sweet Pea 50 Plants +20 FREE
Pansy Grande Fragrance 50 Plants +20 FREE
Primrose Harlequin 50 Plants +20 FREE
Primrose Vialiia (Orchid Primrose) 50 Plants +20 FREE
Viola Ochre (Trailing) 50 Plants +20 FREE
Filed: Jersey Plants | Tagged: Garden Ready plants
Friday, July 31st, 2009
New products today at PondKeeper
Ecoclear 24000 – Pondkeeper Special £449.99
At last a bigger Bioforce! Loads of our customers love the Bioforce but had ponds that were larger. Hozelock used to supply the Bioforce 18000 which was two unit in tandem – this was discontinued by them despite being one of our bestsellers. Now the Pondkeeper Bioforce 24000 Special gives you the option of purchasing a more powerful set and saves you money on buying the units separately. The ‘Pondkeeper Ecoclear 24000’ supplies the powerful Hozel;ock Titan 15000 Pump.
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Filed: New Products, PondKeeper
Friday, July 31st, 2009
Reduced items at Suttons Seeds
Fun to Grow Seeds: Carly Calendula – Fun to Grow: Seeds for Kids! was £1.10 now £0.55
Calendula Orange King – Suttons character-based seed packets feature educationally based ‘fun facts’ including fascinating information on the origins of these plants and how they are used. There are a range of easily grown flowers and vegetables with names like Sunny Sunflower, Polly Pansy, Peter Pea and Tanya Tomato. Printed on the inside of the packs children will find ‘word searches’ or on the vegetable packs, recipes or cooking hints. HALF PRICE – WAS �1.10, NOW 55p!. . Culture: Growing instructions on packet.. Flowering: June-September. Height: 41-50CM. . Sowing Time: March-May
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Filed: Price Reductions, Suttons Seeds
Friday, July 31st, 2009
Lots of new items added today at Suttons Seeds
Jumbo Garden Storage Chest – Sheds and Garden Storage £69.95
For all your outdoor storage needs, this jumbo chest is a must. Ideal for the garden, patio or garage, it’s weatherproof and lockable, and features a tough durable floor, strong hinged lid that keeps contents safe and dry, and two integral wheels for easy relocation. Made from heavy duty UV stabilised polypropylene. Supplied flat packed for home assembly (no tools required). Size: 141cm (4’7″) x 61cm (2′) x 69cm (2’3″) high.. . . . . .
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Filed: New Products, Suttons Seeds
Friday, July 31st, 2009
New items at Crocus
balcony-pot-green £39.99
Our new funky balcony pot is made out of 100% weatherproof resin and comes in 6 great colours. The pot is split in a 'U' shape so it can sit tightly on the balcony without any worry of it falling once it is planted. This is a great great addition to your balcony which can be filled with some beautiful plants to give your balcony the wow factor!Size – 29.5cm High x 30cm DiameterThe size of the 'U' Shape in the middle of the pot: Width – 6cm narrow, Length 22cm.
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Filed: Crocus, New Products
Thursday, July 30th, 2009
Great value and free delivery on plants at Jersey Plants Direct
They offer a fantastic number of free plants on the bedding ranges – so 100 plug plants plus 60 FREE (4-8cm from the base of the plant to the top of the stem) and 50 plus 20 FREE for Garden Ready plants (6-10cm from the base of the plant to the top of the stem – Click here for these great plug plant offers at Jersey Plants Direct
Buy plug plants for less than 7p each
Some of their best sellers are :
Pansy Grande Fragrance 100 Plants +60 FREE – Pansy Grande Fragrance 100 Plants +60 FREE in Plug Plants
Primrose Rosebud 50 Plants +20 FREE – Primrose Rosebud 50 Plants +20 FREE in In the Papers
Pansy Can Can 100 Plants +60 FREE – Pansy Can Can 100 Plants +60 FREE in In the Papers This is one of my favourite pansys. Put this in your garden and every who sees it will want to know what it is. They look so lovely!
Pansy Can Can 50 Plants +20 FREE – Pansy Can Can 50 Plants +20 FREE in In the Papers put them in shade or full sun! They are remarkable for their tolerance of whatever your garden is like!
Wallflower Fortune 100 Plants +60 FREE – Wallflower Fortune 100 Plants +60 FREE in In the Papers another great bedding plant – plug plants need to be grown on before planting out, but it’s simple enough to do and is such a cost effective way of filling your garden with flowers.
Wallflower Fortune 50 Plants +20 FREE also available
Primrose Valiant 100 Plants +60 FREE –Primrose Valiant 100 Plants +60 FREE in Plug Plants great spring colour in the garden, such a traditional plant but a delight to look at each year!
Polyanthus High Seas 100 Plants +60 FREE – Polyanthus High Seas 100 Plants +60 FREE in Plug Plants sun or shade, they’re happy.
Pansy Grande Fragrance 50 Plants +20 FREE – Pansy Grande Fragrance 100 Plants +60 FREE in Plug Plants as the name suggests they have a scent and with large flowers too they will be stunning.
Primula Auricula Rainbow 50 Plants +20 FREE – Primula Auricula Rainbow 50 Plants +20 FREE in Garden Ready Plants fantastic bright plants – ideal for dark corners of the garden that need brightening up.
Other great offers include: Mystery plant – where if you spend £25 you can get plants to a guaranteed minimum retail value of £9.99 for £2.99.
And don’t forget there’s free delivery too!
Filed: New Products | Tagged: jersey plants direct, pansy plug plants, plug plants, plug plants winter bedding
Thursday, July 30th, 2009
Reduced items at Crocus
mahonia was £9.99 now £8.99
Position: full or partial shadeSoil: moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist or well-drained soilRate of growth: averageFlowering period: November to MarchHardiness: fully hardySlender spikes of pale yellow flowers appear from November to March, above rosettes of handsome, dark green, holly-like leaves. The flowers of this lovely, evergreen shrub have a fragrance reminiscent of lily-of-the-valley, and seem to glow in the wintry sunlight. They are followed by masses of round, deep purple berries. This is a useful shrub for partial shade, or woodland areas in the garden, where it will gently spread and suppress weeds. It will tolerate sun as long as the soil remains moist.Garden care: Prune in spring after flowering, reducing overlong, leggy stems to a sideshoot or a whorl of foliage and apply a generous 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of well-rotted garden compost or manure around the base of the plant.Goes well with: Kerria japonica, Sarcococca confusa, Magnolia stellata, Pulmonaria officinalis 'Sissinghurst White', Scilla siberica, Eranthis hyemalis
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Filed: Crocus, Price Reductions
Thursday, July 30th, 2009
Lots of new products at Crocus
peach £32.99
Position: full sunSoil: deep, moist but well-drained soilRate of growth: slow growingFlowering period: April to MayFlower colour: pinkOther features: one of the best all-round varieties (late september)Hardiness: fully hardyA popular peach that has large crimson fruit with juicy, white flesh. It produces pink flowers in mid-spring and superb peaches with an outstanding flavour in late September. A reliable, high yielding tree that is best grown against a warm wall.Garden care: When planting incorporate lots of well-rotted garden compost in the planting hole and stake firmly. Prune in summer to reduce the risk of silver leaf and bacterial canker.
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Filed: Crocus, New Products
Wednesday, July 29th, 2009
New item at PondKeeper
Bioforce 18000 £244.99
This product is ideal for pond keepers who want simplicity, clear water and and attractive hidden filter system. As a combined biological and and UVC system clear water is guaranteed when the correctly sized model is used.
Filed: New Products, PondKeeper