Archive for the 'Blackwells' Category
Saturday, March 22nd, 2014
Another list of great gardening books – wouldn’t mind any of them!
Saw Monty Don talk at the Dig it festival in Manchester in 2013. Lovely bloke!
All at Blackwells books
Garden Magic £10.95
Describing the joy of gardens has been a pleasure for prose writers, poets and painters, since earliest times, as the selections in this book delightfully reveal. ‘The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies’ – Gertrude Jekyll The…
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Filed: Blackwells
Saturday, March 22nd, 2014
Blackwells have some great books about chickens
The Practical Guide to Keeping Chickens, Ducks, Geese & Turkeys £16.99
A practical home guide to keeping poultry in the garden: rearing, housing, breeding, maintaining health and exhibiting, along with step-by-step techniques and over 700 colour photographs. It also includes a comprehensive visual directory of the…
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Filed: Blackwells
Saturday, March 22nd, 2014
I’ve been writing abuot slugs today and wondered what Blackwells had about them:
great books at Blackwells books
Bugs Britannica £35.00
From sea squirts to slugs to Swallowtails, Bugs Britannica is the third beautifully illustrated book in Richard Mabey’s landmark series, a companion volume to the bestselling classics Flora Britannica and Birds Britannica.Like those much…
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Filed: Blackwells
Thursday, March 20th, 2014
Blackwells have some great books.
I love the first two in this list of allotment books.
Essential Allotment Guide £6.99
Shows how to improve your chances of getting an allotment and move up the waiting list. This book offers advises on clearing an allotment, planning what to grow and how, building compost bins, using raised beds – plus detailed instructions on…
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Filed: allotment, Blackwells
Thursday, March 20th, 2014
Bee books at Blackwells
Honeybee Democracy £19.95
Honeybees make decisions collectively—and democratically. Every year, faced with the life-or-death problem of choosing and traveling to a new home, honeybees stake everything on a process that includes collective fact-finding, vigorous debate…
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Filed: Bees, Blackwells
Thursday, March 20th, 2014
Blackwells have some great compost books
Compost £9.99
In this new edition of her hands-on guide to the art of composting, House & Garden garden editor, Clare Foster, shows you how to build a compost box, select the best ingredients and put the resulting organic compost to the best use in your outdoor…
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Filed: Blackwells
Thursday, March 20th, 2014
Blackwells have these great books by Charles Dowding
Charles Dowding’s Vegetable Course £16.99
A practical course in vegetable growing, by the master of no-dig gardening. Charles Dowding, the master of no-dig gardening, developed his highly successful methods of vegetable growing through 30 years experience of growing and selling vegetables…
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Filed: Blackwells
Thursday, March 20th, 2014
Great gardening books available at Blackwells
A Book of Garden Wisdom £5.99
Features organic gardening hints, tips and folklore from yesteryear, from companion planting to compost, with 150 glorious photographs. This title covers all types of garden, including cottage gardens, orchards, hedgerows, kitchen gardens and herb…
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Filed: Blackwells