New products at Thompson & Morgan
by John - April 17th, 2009.Filed under: New Products, Thompson and Morgan.
New products at Thompson & Morgan

Peony – Tree Peony Feng Gong Wei Ji 1 bareroot plant £19.99
The deepest red Paeonia rockii. The tissue paper, crinkled blooms, with gentle fragrance, are produced on good, strong branching plants, superb for borders.

Pinks: Scent-sation Collection 24 plants – 8 of each £17.99
Scent-sational, beautifully double blooms last so long in the home that you'll have to dust them! Pick a bunch and enjoy the heady perfume as it fills the room with scent. Magnificent in borders and pots, blooming non-stop all summer. Regular deadheading will ensure over 75 blooms per plant! This exclusive collection comprises 3 of the best-scented bicolour white blooms laced with shades of salmon, magenta and red – Cranmere Pool (left) Dancing Queen (right) & Gran's Favourite (inset).

Phlox Candy Stripes 5 plants £8.99
Smother weeds with ground-hugging phlox. Dense mats of evergreen foliage rapidly spread and disappear in early summer under a fragrant blanket of pure white flowers with unique pink stripes. Delicate in appearance but tough in character, this phlox softens the edges of paths and grow in dry rockeries, on sunny banks and slopes, and in crevices in stone walls.

Delphinium Hybrids 6 plants in 5cm pots £8.49
The strong flower spikes with maximum, evenly spaced florets make them a great cut flower. High quality Delphiniums in a sumptuous range of bright blues, soft pinks and the purest whites.