New products at Suttons Seeds
by Sarah - May 1st, 2009.Filed under: New Products, Suttons Seeds.
Loads of new products today at Suttons Seeds

Bumper Vegetable Plant Collection £29.95
If you want to feed your family with nutritious, home-grown vegetables but don’t have the time to grow from seed then this collection is for you. It provides 160 healthy plug plants scross 9 popular varieties: 20 Beetroot Boltardy , 15 Broccoli Summer Purple , 15 Broccoli Green Magic, 15 Brussels Sprouts F1 Brigette, 15 Cabbage Kilaxy , 15 Cauliflower F1 Clapton , 20 Leaf Beet Perpetual Spinach , 25 Leek Autumn Giant 3 Albana and 20 Lettuce Mixed.

Bumper Bedding Collection £19.95
This bumper easiplant collection gives you 6 different items (impatiens, petunia, begonia, gazania, stock and lobelia) in one quick and easy delivery! Simply pot them on for a few weeks and then enjoy a summer-long display of colour, variety and fragrance in borders or containers! What could be easier? Order now and save an incredible £21.75 on the individual prices of these items – yes this collection really is less than half price! 120 Easiplants (20 each of six varieties)

LUCKY DIPS! From only £7.95 £17.95
It’s hard for us to grow exactly the right number of plants that we need each season. We sometomes grow too many of the same varieties. You can take advantage of this, and order a ‘Lucky Dip’. What you get will be a surprise, at a fraction of the normal cost! Choose Garden Ready Plants for summer beds and borders, or Potted Plants for summer baskets/patios or perennial displays. Your plants will flower throughout the summer!

Geranium Summer Skies Plants £14.95
Pale sky-blue double flowers and white centres. Height 50-63cm (20-25″). 25% off – Normal Price £19.95, NOW £14.95 for pack of 3 plants.

Eryngium Jade Frost Plants £14.95
A true and stable variegated eryngium that has a tri-colour appearance during the cool spring nights. The contrast between the cream-edged leaves and the steel-blue flowers is outstanding! Foliage height 15-20cm (6-8″). 25% off – Normal Price £19.95, NOW £14.95 for pack of 3 plants.

190 Bedding Plants – ONLY £14.95 £14.95
Superpack contains: Impatiens (Busy Lizzie) Suttons Select – Busy Lizzies have possibly the best flowering performance of any annual. Good mix of colours right through summer until autumn frosts. Flourish in sun or shade. Grow to 8″ tall. Plant 36 plants per sq. yard for clusters or use in tubs/baskets. Pack of 130 Miniplants; Gazania Daybreak – Exotic sun-loving blooms, perfect for a sunny spot. Gazania opens her petals to her fullest glory as light intensity peaks during the day. Large blooms of gold, orange, bronze, pink & rose above glossy green foliage. Half hardy annual. Grows to 10-12″, plant 8″ apart. Pack of 20 Easiplants; Geranium Cabaret – Compact, bushy variety perfect for summer bedding or patio planters. All the traditional geranium colours, many with attractive zoned leaves. Grow to 14″ height. Pack of 20 Easiplants; Petunia Duo Double Mixed – Weather-resistant, richly coloured, beautifully ruffled double blooms. Award of Garden Merit winner. Grows to 12″ height, plant 12″ apart. Grow in tubs/baskets or as an eye-catching cluster in a border. Pack of 20 Easiplants.

Pansy F1 Northern Lights Plants £13.95
An eye-catching variety whose larger than average blooms, with their unique pastel-coloured faces, will brighten up your garden during the darkest days of winter! Height 15-20cm (6-8″); spacing 15cm (6″).

Veronica Foxy Lady Plants £13.45
An abundance of bright fuchsia-pink-and-white, candy-striped flowers, right above the foliage, which will strike you like a wave of vibrant colour. The foliage is crisp, clean and virtually pest-resistant. And it’s so unusual that no one else in the neighbourhood is likely to have it! Height 25-38cm (10-15″). 25% OFF – Normal Price £17.95, NOW £13.45!

Iris Variegata Plants £13.45
Thick, upright foliage, vertically striped with green and cream. Fragrant, purple blooms. Height 50-63cm (20-25″). 25% OFF – Normal Price £17.95, NOW £13.45!
Miscanthus Gold Bar Plants £13.45
Pansy Joker Mix Plants £12.95
Viola F1 Tricky Mix Plants £12.95
Gaillardia Frenzy Plant £11.20
Crocosmia Honey Angel Plants £11.20
Echinacea Hot Papaya Plants £11.20
19 products from Flower Plants
9 products from Vegetable Plants
3 products from Vegetable Seeds
1 products from Garden Equipment