Hot weather on the allotment
by Sarah - June 1st, 2009.Filed under: allotment. Tagged as: beans, peas.
A heavy dose of watering was done today – we left our visit until after two pm as we figured going at lunch time would be the hottest part of the day. It was still baking hot and there weren’t many people about today. Just a few couple turning up to do the watering and Frank who’s a useful source of information and plants. Two more cabbagey plants came our way to replace two of our existing plants that had not been planted in firmly enough and had had their roots damaged by the wind. Planted the newcomers in with a dash of lime and a good water in.
Watered in the leeks again. A couple are looking a bit leaning over but they are all still alive!
Gave the beans some water too – they have some flowers coming which is great! I love broad beans! The peas have more flowers than yesterday too!
It’s hard to tell just how much the tomatoes are growing each day – but they are – time lapse photography would be brilliant – perhaps we’ll have to look at that for next year? The basil is looking promising! I am so looking forward to home grown basil and tomato salad! Picked off a couple more tomato side shoots.
Pulled a few weeds up. Still no sign of the frog. Perhaps it’s too hot for him so he’s escaped to the big pond outside the allotments.Spotted two comfrey plants coming up. Had bought roots and planted them what seems like months ago. You don’t crop comfrey the first year but after that I should be able to cut it down three times maybe to use as a base for planting spuds, or making liquid plant feed.