Price reductions at Crocus
by Sarah - June 2nd, 2009.Filed under: Crocus, Price Reductions.
Reduced products at Crocus

clematis (group 3) was £9.99 now £7.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained, neutral soilRate of growth: averageFlowering period: July to OctoberFlower colour: pinkOther features: vigorous growthHardiness: fully hardy Masses of dainty, small to medium sized nodding pink flowers from summer to early autumn. Good resistance to Clematis Wilt and a fairly long flowering period make this a great plant for a wall or fence.Garden care: In early spring cut back the previous year's stems to a pair of strong buds about 15-20cm (6-8in) above ground-level and apply a slow-release balanced fertiliser and a mulch of well-rotted garden compost around the plant, avoiding the immediate crown.

clematis (group 2) was £9.99 now £7.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained soil, neutral soilRate of growth: averageFlowering period: May to June and occasionally again in August and SeptemberFlower colour: lavender flowersOther features: ideal for containersHardiness: fully hardyA dazzling variety with large, double, lavender flowers up to 15cm across, with pronounced ruff of stamens and mid-green leaves. A compact and free-flowering climber that is perfect for the small garden as it only grows to 1.8m tall and wide. It can also be grown in a large container up an obelisk or against a sunny wall.Garden care: Remove dead and damaged stems before growth begins in early spring, cutting all remaining stems back to where strong buds are visible. Apply a slow-release balanced fertiliser and a mulch of of well-rotted garden compost around the base of the plant in early spring.

clematis (group 3) was £12.99 now £10.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained, neutral soilRate of growth: average to fast-growingFlowering period: August to OctoberFlower colour: bright pinkOther features: unusual, tulip-like flowersHardiness: fully hardyStriking, bright pink, trumpet-shaped flowers with prominent, creamy-yellow centres from August to October and mid-green leaves. This late-flowering clematis looks lovely scrambling through a climbing rose or tree in full sun or semi-shade. The unusual, tulip-like flowers associate well with many medium-sized garden shrubs.Garden care: In early spring cut back the previous year's stems to a pair of strong buds about 15-20cm (6-8in) above ground level and apply a slow-release balanced fertiliser and a mulch of well-rotted garden compost around the plant, avoiding the immediate crown.

clematis (group 2) was £12.99 now £10.99
Position: full sunSoil: fertile, well-drained soil, neutral soilRate of growth: average to fast-growingFlowering period: June to SeptemberFlower colour: pink with white stripesHardiness: fully hardyFlamboyant double flowers that have pink and white stripes and are produced from June to September. This is an exciting new variety that is best grown in full sun where the consistently double blooms are the richest in colour. Great for climbing up a wall, fence or over a pergola.Garden care: While no regular pruning is required, removing the dead stem-tips in late February or early March will keep the plant looking tidy. Apply a slow-release balanced fertiliser and a mulch of well-rotted garden compost around the base of the plant in early spring.Goes well with: Laurus nobilis, Brunnera macrophylla, Iris germanica, Helleborus argutifolius, Rosa banksiae var. banksiae, Chionodoxa luciliae 'Gigantea Group'.

clematis (group 3) was £8.99 now £7.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained, neutral soilRate of growth: fast-growingFlowering period: July to SeptemberFlower colour: reddish purpleHardiness: fully hardyDark reddish purple flowers with silver on the outside are borne from July to September. A late-flowering clematis that makes an excellent partner for a climbing rose, shrub or tree in full sun or part shade. 'Black Prince' is a variety of Clematis viticella and is resistant to clematis wilt.Garden care: In early spring cut back the previous year's stems to a pair of strong buds about 15-20cm (6-8in) above ground-level and apply a slow-release balanced fertiliser and a mulch of well-rotted garden compost around the plant, avoiding the immediate crown.

clematis (group 2) was £8.99 now £7.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained soilRate of growth: fast-growingFlowering period: June to AugustFlower colour: creamy-white flowersOther features: a superb, old varietyHardiness: fully hardyLarge, creamy-white flowers, with chocolate brown anthers, are produced throughout the summer on this vigorous clematis. It is perfect for growing up a trellis with other climbers or to cover a wall. To encourage blooms to cover the whole plant, train stems so that they are evenly spaced on the trellis.Garden care: Remove dead and damaged stems before growth begins in early spring, cutting all remaining stems back to where strong buds are visible. Apply a slow-release balanced fertiliser and a mulch of of well-rotted garden compost around the base of the plant in early spring

clematis (group 2) was £8.99 now £7.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained soil, neutral soilRate of growth: averageFlowering period: May to June and SeptemberFlower colour: pinkish-mauveOther features: N/AHardiness: fully hardyDelicate, pale pinkish-mauve, early summer flowers with striking pink stripes and contrasting reddish-brown centres. This large-flowered clematis is best grown on a north-facing wall or in shade since the pale pink flowers fade badly in strong sun. It is perfect for training over a pergola or arch, alongside a late-flowering variety.Garden care: Remove dead and damaged stems before growth begins in early spring, cutting all remaining stems back to where strong buds are visible. Apply a slow-release balanced fertiliser and a mulch of of well-rotted garden compost around the base of the plant in early spring.

clematis (group 3) was £8.99 now £7.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained, neutral soilRate of growth: fast-growingFlowering period: July and SeptemberFlower colour: deep purpleHardiness: fully hardyA late, large-flowered clematis that produces rich, velvety-purple flowers freely in midsummer. The flowers are often 10cm across and usually a second flush will appear in September. An easy-to-grow climber that's great for a sunny wall and looks especially lovely when planted with a deep pink climbing rose, such as Rosa 'Zephirine Drouhin'.Garden care: In early spring cut back the previous year's stems to a pair of strong buds about 15-20cm (6-8in) above ground-level and apply a slow-release balanced fertiliser and a mulch of well-rotted garden compost around the plant, avoiding the immediate crown.