Carrots in tubs
by Sarah - June 7th, 2009.Filed under: allotment. Tagged as: allotment, carrots, onions.
We didn’t put our carrots in tubs. But maybe we should have done. It appears an awful lot of people on our allotment site plant their carrots in containers. There’s someone with three huge dustbins packed full of them. I’m not sure how big they get – but I’m going to be there when he pulls them up!
Here’s some in a washing up bowl! It’s not a hugely deep container – but they’ve certainly done better than our carrots which seem to be buried in the chickweed!
At least I think they’re carrots! They certainly look like them to me! If they’re not – then please get in touch and tell me what they are!
Allotment was damp and cold this morning but busy. Our weeds are causing a nusiance and my other half has finally ordered a petrol strimmer which should be here on Wednesday – so he’ll be reviewing it then! And I’ll also show you some photos hopefully of our tidier plot!
We’ve got plenty of pea flowers, broad beans flowering nicely and the runner beans have started budding their pretty red flowers too!
The tomatoes are swelling gently in the relative warmth of the greenhouse and they got fed again today.
The basil is looking more promising and I have stuck some vine stems in a pot of soil in the hope of getting some to root so I can inflict them on friends and family!
The butternut squash at the allotment looks suitable blown about, but the ones at home are looking much better – they’ve been a bit more sheltered from the last days weather and were a bit bigger too. June should be ok for putting everything out, but it’s a bit cold and bleak today.
The onions look great – will definately be doing some different types next year, so maybe two beds of them!
Looking green and healthy – and we weeded this entire bed before we came home – we could sense the rain was coming in and we did get back just in time.
So much chickweed this year it’s quite shocking. Even the tray of plants a friend gave me had some in! So it’s not confined to the allotment plot! I was given some chinese vegetables which I put in the bed with the broadbeans, leeks and a new row of carrots. It’s a very mixed bed – which might or might not be a bad idea yet.