New products at Gardening Direct
by Sarah - June 13th, 2009.Filed under: Gardening Direct, New Products.
New lines added today at Gardening Direct
Snowdrops £16.99
The first bulbs to appear in the new year ' can flower as early as mid'January onwards. A very welcome sign that winter will not last forever. Flowers light up gloomy days and clumps will spread over time.
Narcissus Bridal Crown £15.99
An extremely pretty multi headed daffodil 'Bridal Crown' has delicate creamy flowers. Try growing it indoors to appreciate its lovely scent, or plant outside where you'll pass it regularly. Its spring flowers from March to April make it a perfect partner for polyanthus, pansies or violas.
Snowdrops and Winter Aconites £15.99
Winter aconites are charming plants that will swiftly carpet bare soil with golden flowers. Perfect partners for snowdrops, they naturalise in grass, or make excellent ground cover underneath trees and tall shrubs.
Tulipa Ice Cream £14.99
Each flower of 'Ice Cream' resembles a generous scoop of raspberry ice cream overflowing its cone. Voluptuous double flowers provide wonderful later spring colour. It looks good enough to eat!
English Bluebells £14.44
Carpets of purest blue English bluebells are a fantastic spring sight. Unfurl one in your own garden ' bluebells are best planted 'in the green' and will be dispatched when in leaf: late February ' late March.
Peony Collection £12.99
We have selected three lovely varieties of this quintessential 'must have' perennial. A pure white, deep blood red and a wonderful blousy pink with a white frill! All are sweetly scented. Easy to grow and once established will flowers for years to come! The large fragrant flowers are fabulous in a vase too! Flowers May to June.
Dwarf Daffodil Collection £11.19
This collection of compact dwarf daffodils offers a delightful range of blooms. Although flowers are small, some are borne in clusters, and several in the collection are scented. Perfectly in scale for planting in more intimate areas, dwarf daffodils are great in containers where their dainty charms can easily be appreciated. They are also well suited to rock gardens and border edges. N. 'Minnow' is truly elfin.
Lupin Mix £9.99
Famous cottage favourite for the herbaceous border with its spectacular dense spikes of colour in early summer! Its statuesque qualities make lupins a striking addition to a mixed or shrub border. Our mix of vibrant colours will flower in there first year. Needs full sun.
Digitalis Mix £9.99
Dwarf Mixed Iris £9.09
Erythronium dens canis £8.99
Alstromeria Mixed £8.49
Narcissus Rip Van Winkle £8.39
Narcissus Jack Snipe £8.39
Narcissus Fragrant Rose £7.69