Price reductions at Gardening Direct
by Sarah - June 14th, 2009.Filed under: Gardening Direct, Price Reductions.
Reduced price on items today at Gardening Direct
Autumn Lupin Mix was £9.99 now £6.99
Famous cottage favourite for the herbaceous border with its spectacular dense spikes of colour in early summer! Its statuesque qualities make lupins a striking addition to a mixed or shrub border. Our mix of vibrant colours will flower in there first year. Needs full sun.
Digitalis Mix was £9.99 now £6.99
Foxgloves are a native species equally at home in the countryside and or the garden. Digitalis has tall spikes of deep-pink or purple tubular flowers, maroon-spotted inside, appear in June and July. A magnet for bees and other beneficial pollinating insects, they're perfect for a wildlife or woodland garden, in sun or partial shade, will seed freely around the garden!
Snowdrops was £16.99 now £11.89
The first bulbs to appear in the new year ' can flower as early as mid'January onwards. A very welcome sign that winter will not last forever. Flowers light up gloomy days and clumps will spread over time.