New products at Thompson & Morgan
by John - June 19th, 2009.Filed under: New Products, Thompson and Morgan.
Hundreds of new items at Thompson & Morgan

Tulip Red Passion Blend 100 bulbs £35.99
A selection of some of the best varieties with bright reds, brilliant scarlet, and deep rose in exciting types like Parrots and May Flowering. Exotic shapes and colours like Estella Rijnveld, one of our most popular Parrot Tulips, make this blend distinct. Blooms April through May. Note: Blend formulated to ensure at least 8 different varieties to guarantee you 40 Days of Flowers. Height: 14-22 inches. Bulb size 11/12.

Tulip Peach Passion Blend 100 bulbs £35.99
A delightful mixture of light salmon, creamy yellow and delicate rose. Large blooms of some of our favourite varieties such as Apricot Beauty and delicate shapes like flowering tulip Elegant Lady start blooming in March and finish in May. Note: Blend formulated to ensure at least 8 different varieties to guarantee you 40 Days of Flowers. Height: 14-22 inches. Bulb size 11/12.

Peony – Tree Peony Lucky Dip 3 bareroot plants £34.99
Our Oriental tree peonies are the finest quality available! They make superb plants for borders where they will produce huge, ruffled, satin-like flowers in spring. They're super hardy too, so you can enjoy them year after year. Each bloom also offers a captivating fragrance sweet scent in the spring air. The Lucky Dip is our choice of 3 of the following varieties: Tree Peony Quan She Mao Yu, Tree Peony Er Qiao, Tree Peony Hu Hong, Tree Peony Hongxia, Tree Peony Rou Fu Rong and Tree Peony Hai Huang.

Peony Pink Hawaiian Coral 1 bareroot plant £29.99
Rare and limited supply. Large 5 inch blooms of lovely salmon-orange, a truly unique colour among peonies. Ideal for adding tropical colour to your garden year after year. Height: 30-40 inches. 2-3 eye bareroot plants supplied.

Hyacinth Fragrant Collection 32 bulbs – 4 of each £19.99
The beauty of hyacinths – dewy spring colour and head-turning fragrance are the most dominant qualities of hyacinths, covering the spectrum from rich blues to vibrant magentas and pinks to cool yellows and whites. Plant them in formal beds, among perennials, scattered in clumps in the border or along walkways. Save a few to force indoors for an early burst of spring. Collection comprises 4 each of: Blue Ice (Koh-I-Nor), Gypsy Queen, Jan Bos, Peter Stuyvesant, Pink Frosting (Fondant), Queen of the Violets, White Pearl and Yellow Queen. Height: 8-12 inches. Bulb size 15-16cm

Narcissus Pink Mix 40 bulbs £19.98
Pink daffodils are delightful complements to traditional yellow varieties. This special mix contains some of the best varieties in the market today, including Accent, Easter Bonnet, Pink Parasol, Pink Pride, Salome and Spring Pride. Heights: 18-60in. Bulb size 14-16cm.

Petunia Priscilla™ 10 young plants + 5 FREE £19.49
Mauve petals deeply scrolled to form a stunning head. Unlike other Petunias, the structure of Petunia Priscilla™ is quite unique with tufts of petals emanating from the centre of the flower. The flowers are larger than other double trailing types and look fantastic tumbling from baskets and pots. Combine its beauty with its delicious fragrance and you have a real treat for the senses. A Petunia suitable for all containers. Trailing 18-24 inches. Protected by Plant Breeder's Rights – propagation prohibited. Growing tip Get the best out of your petunias with our specially formulated Petunia Fertiliser – the perfect balance of nutrients to get them off to a flying start and nourish them through the summer.Click here to buy now.

Geranium Tomboy 12 plants + 6 FREE + 2 FREE Hanging Baskets + FREE Fertiliser £18.99
Ivy-leaf Geraniums boast glossy dark green foliage, clusters of often semi-double florets, a lax cascading habit and extremely vigorous growth. Tomboy is currently the most popular variety. Trailing 60-75cm (24-30 inches).

Lily Asiatic Collection 18 bulbs – 3 of each £18.99
Nothing compares to a mass of colourful lilies in full bloom. The lily is a symbol of majesty, and these regal, carefree blooms produce up to 12 beautiful flowers per bulb. Fragrant and lovely, with attractively reflexed petals. Plant 12-18 inches apart. Collection comprises 3 bulbs each of: Apeldoorn – Clear orange, outward facing petals. Height: 34 inches. Cote d'Azur – Fuchsia colour that doesn't fade. Polyploid. Height: 36 inches. Jacqueline – Magenta red, yellow centre. Ideal for cut flowers. Height: 48 inches. Landini – Extremely deep red blooms that appear almost black. Height: 48 inches. Lennox – Pure spotless white flowers with a subtle sheen that makes them glow in early morning sunlight. Height: 24 inches. Orange Electric – White, apricot toward the centre with brown speckling. Height: 48 inches. Bulb size: 12-14 cm in circumference.
Oxalis versicolor 15 corms £17.99