Wheely bins in the garden
by Sarah - July 7th, 2009.Filed under: Uncategorized. Tagged as: bin store, trellis, wheely bins.
The proliferation of wheely bins now means most homes have 3 or 4 wheely bins to hide in the garden. You can of course leave them out, boldly positioned to announce your keenness on recycling but they are mostly horrid looking and there’s so many of them!
Hiding them in the garden is a good idea as long as they’re still easily accessible for putting rubbish in. The more of a pain it is to put the rubbish out means you’re more likely to make is stack up in the kitchen and that’s a bad idea!
Some people have wooden enclosures to tuck them away in, but not everyone wants a wooden structure, or has a flat enough area available. If you have they can look very nice as these here do: Wheelie Bin Storage – Tuin
These include a double bin and a single bin hider.
Alternatives include hiding them behind a fence panel, behind a hedge, or keeping them in a shed. You can get stickers for wheelie bins but they have a tendency to start peeling off if you’re not careful and then they look terrible!
A neighbouhood watch hint would be to not leave bins where they can be used to climb onto rooves.
A simple thing that wouldn’t be too expensive would be a simple piece of trellis used to grow plants up and keep the bins behind this. This would make an attractive feature in your garden too. Climbing plants could be picked so that they are scented too, also disguising any smell issues you may have with your bins in hot weather!