Price reductions at Crocus
by Sarah - July 17th, 2009.Filed under: Crocus, Price Reductions.
Hundreds of prices cut at Crocus

round-green-glass-bulb-vase was £7.99 now £3.49
This bulb vase is perfect for growing prepared hyacinth bulbs in. To enjoy the intoxicating fragrance of hyacinths at Christmas and New Year, all you need to do is start growing you bulb in September or October. Fill the glass to the neck with water and then place the bulb in the top. The water level should be just below the bottom of the bulb. Keep the water topped up and the bulb in a dark place until the shoot is about 4-5cm tall. Then move it to a sunny spot indoors and watch it grow and flower.The bulb vase is 14cm tall.

beech-tea-light-holder was £7.99 now £3.49
Add a sense of serenity and tranquillity indoors or out with these simple, but stylish, beech tea light holders. Perfect for creating an intimate atmosphere around the patio or indoors. Candles not included.

round-light-blue-glass-bulb-vase was £7.99 now £3.49
This bulb vase is perfect for growing prepared hyacinth bulbs in. To enjoy the intoxicating fragrance of hyacinths at Christmas and New Year, all you need to do is start growing you bulb in September or October. Fill the glass to the neck with water and then place the bulb in the top. The water level should be just below the bottom of the bulb. Keep the water topped up and the bulb in a dark place until the shoot is about 4-5cm tall. Then move it to a sunny spot indoors and watch it grow and flower.The bulb vase is 14cm tall.

lesser periwinkle (syn. 'Bowles Variety') was £5.99 now £3.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: any but very dry soilRate of growth: average to fast-growing Flowering period: April to September Flower colour: lavender-blueHardiness: fully hardyLovely, lavender-blue flowers over a long period from April to September and dark green leaves. The long, trailing stems of this prostrate, evergreen shrub are excellent for suppressing weeds in sun or partial shade. Allegedly the best blue-flowered variety and less invasive than Vinca major, it's particularly suitable for smaller gardens.Garden care: To prevent the plant from becoming invasive cut back any unwanted shoots in spring.

fuchsia was £5.99 now £3.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, moist, well-drained soilRate of growth: average Flowering period: June to OctoberHardiness: fully hardy (borderline)Small, single, scarlet and dark purple flowers hang from arching stems from June to October among bronze tinted, dark green leaves. In frost-free areas this upright, hardy fuchsia makes a lovely, long-flowering, informal hedge. It performs best in fertile, moist, well-drained soil in partial shade with protection from cold, drying winds.Garden care: To encourage bushy growth, pinch out the growing tips of young plants after the sixth or seventh pair of leaves. During the growing season water regularly, applying a balanced liquid fertiliser each month. Cut back to the permanent framework in early spring.Goes well with: Geranium 'Multibloom Pink', Geranium 'Multibloom Mixed', Nicotiana x sanderae 'Fragrant Cloud' , Trachelospermum jasminoides, Cerinthe major 'Purpurescens', Hemerocallis 'Gentle Shepherd'

bearded iris was £7.99 now £4.99
Position: full sunSoil: well-drained, moderately fertile, neutral to acidic soilRate of growth: averageFlowering period: May and JuneHardiness: fully hardyA magnificent, sultry, bearded iris, with lustrous, maroon-red flowers held on tall, stiff stems. Like all iris, it's a natural multiplier so will spread over a number of years. Plant it in bold drifts in a sunny, well-drained border.Garden care: Bearded irises prefer full sun and neutral-alkaline soil but if you have acidic or peaty soils you can top dress with lime before planting for good results. Plant shallowly with the upper part of the rhizome sitting on the surface of the soil, incorporating a low nitrogen fertiliser in the planting hole. After planting remove the upper-most third of the leaves to protect against wind-rock. In exposed areas stake with bamboo canes in early spring. Divide and replant about every three years.

angelica was £6.99 now £4.99
Position: full or partial shadeSoil: deep, moist, fertile, loamy soilRate of growth: average Flowering period: August and SeptemberHardiness: fully hardyA stunning, architectural plant that adds height and drama to a border. Dome-shaped heads of plum-purple flowers appear on red-tinted stems in August and September and it has pretty, deeply cut leaves. Try it at the back of a s sunny, herbaceous or mixed border, where the flowerheads will attract bees. It performs best in moist, fertile soil. This plant is monocarpic, so dies back after setting seed.Garden care:To prevent the plant from self-seeding, deadhead after flowering. Even if you leave the seedheads, it tends not to self seed as freely as other angelicas, so needs to be replaced regularly.

burnet was £6.99 now £4.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: Poor-to-average, moist, well-drained soilRate of growth: averageFlowering period: June to SeptemberFlower colour: pinkHardiness: fully hardySmall, fluffy, rich pink flowers are produced on short, bottlebrush-like spikes from midsummer to early autumn. An attractive rhizomatous perennial with greyish green leaves that looks lovely planted in a herbaceous border. Burnets are great for naturalising in damp wildflower meadows or by water, as they are happiest in a sunny spot where the soil stays moist.Garden care: Divide plants in spring or autumn.

speedwell was £6.99 now £4.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soilRate of growth: averageFlowering period: May and JuneFlower colour: white with pale blueHardiness: fully hardyAn easy to grow perennial which forms low hummocks of foliage. In early summer slender, upright spires emerge bearing small, cup-shaped white flowers, each with a pale blue trim. Originating from moist grassland and open woodland, they prefer a spot with reliable summer moisture. Garden care: Remove faded flower-stems in autumn. Apply a generous 5-7cm deep mulch of well-rotted garden compost or manure around the base of the plant in spring. Divide larger clumps in spring or autumn.
masterwort was £6.99 now £4.99
coneflower was £6.99 now £4.99
bearskin fescue was £6.99 now £4.99
mountain everlasting was £6.99 now £4.99
coral bells was £6.99 now £4.99
culver's root was £6.99 now £4.99
blue fescue was £6.99 now £4.99
Siberian bugloss was £6.99 now £4.99
arum lily was £6.99 now £4.99
shuttlecock fern was £6.99 now £4.99
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