Price reductions at Crocus
by Sarah - September 24th, 2009.Filed under: Crocus, Price Reductions.
Price reduction at Crocus

lamb’s ears was £8.99 now £7.99
Position: full sunSoil: well-drained, moderately fertile soilRate of Growth: averageFlowering period: n/aFlowers: n/aOther features: silvery white leavesHardiness: fully hardyRosettes of silver, greyish white leaves provide an attractive, weed suppressing carpet for much of the year. This non-flowering variety of ‘Lamb’s Ears’ is an excellent, drought-tolerant groundcover or edging plant for a well-drained site in full sun. The foliage is a more intense shade of silver than flowering varieties of the plant. Garden care: Pick off and destroy any foliage that becomes infected by powdery mildew and treat the remaining leaves with fungicide. Lift and divide large clumps in early spring.