Price reductions at Crocus
by Sarah - October 30th, 2009.Filed under: Crocus, Price Reductions.
Price reduction at Crocus

double late tulip was £3.99 now £1.99
Position: full sunSoil: fertile, well-drained soilRate of growth: averageFlowering period: early MayFlower colour: pinkOther features: excellent cut-flowersHardiness: fully hardyBulb Size: 12+Delicate, soft pink, double, bowl-shaped flower, flushed with both paler and darker shades of pink in April and May. From a distance, you could easily mistake these tulips for peonies and they are usually one of the last tulip into flower – so a good one to choose if you want to extend a bedding display.Garden care: In September to December plant bulbs 15-20cm deep and 10-15cm apart in fertile, well-drained soil. Alternatively, allow 7-9 bulbs per 30cm sq. After flowering dead-head and apply a balanced liquid fertiliser each week for the first month. Once the foliage has died down naturally lift the bulbs and store in a cool greenhouse.