Dobies ornamental trees
by Sarah - March 13th, 2010.Filed under: Dobies. Tagged as: Dobies ornamental trees.

Hardy Citrus tree
Trees at Dobies
Even if you’re not planning on picking the fruit then the wildlife in your garden will eat it! Apples if left on the tree become a winter feast for blackbirds – and whilst they stay on the tree they look really nice too!
I’m not sure why you’d buy a tree just because it looked pretty, when you can buy a tree that looks nice and does something useful!
I’d recommend a real cherry tree rather than a ornamental one any day of the week! You’ll still get cherry blossom in the spring and the birds will save you the effort of picking the cherries by snaffling every last one of them! If you want to grow the cherries to eat you need to net the tree so the birds can’t eat the fruit!
Other pretty trees include Calamondin which is a Variegated hardy citrus! It has highly desirable glossy, dark green foliage and little white flowers as well as producing a lovely scent of citrus blossom throughout the year and bear fruit from late spring to late summer.
Don’t just buy an ornamental tree from dobies – buy an ornamental fruit tree!