New products at Crocus
by Sarah - April 11th, 2010.Filed under: Crocus, New Products.
New items at Crocus

lacewing-box £24.99
Made from timber from sustainable surces, this lacewing chamber includes attractant and fittings so it is ready to go. Lacewing larvae feed on a number of troublesome pests including aphids, scale, leaf hoppers, mites and young caterpillars, while the harmless adults feed on honeydew as well as nectar and pollen. Having a nesting box like this will ensure that they can overwinter in a cosy environment, which will help increase their survival rates.Try to have the house in place by the end of August and place it in a warm spot, with shelter from sun at the hottest part of the day.

bumble-bee-nest £24.99
Einstein said that without bees to pollinate our crops we would soon run out of food. It has also been said that every tomato you have ever eaten has been pollinated by a bumblebee, which is incredible when you think about it. They are very valuable insects that will dramatically increase the yield of the fruit, vegetables and flowers in your garden. Gentle creatures by nature, the queen and the worker bees can sting, but they will only do so if they are grabbed or their nest is threatened. This timber-framed nest will help make them feel right at home. Try to place it in a warm spot, with shade during the hottest part of the day, low down in a flower bed or at the base of a hedge or shed.

compact-plug-plant-trainer £16.99
The Compact Plant Trainer will allow you to grow cuttings or seedlings like the professionals without the need for a greenhouse. It has been designed to promote a healthy root sytem that will only have to endure the minimum disturbance when it comes to potting on or planting out. When they are ready to be moved on, simply push the growing tray down into the bottom section and the plants automatically pop up, so there is no need to squeeze, pull and jiggle them out. Made to sit on a sunny windowsill, it comes with an integral water reservoir and a lid that can be turned 90 degrees to adjust the ventilation. It can also be re-used many times.

lily-of-the-valley shrub £14.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: humus-rich, moist, well-drained acid soil or ericaceous compostRate of growth: slow-growingFlowering period: March to MayFlower colour: deep pinkOther features: glossy, dark green leavesHardiness: fully hardyAn unusual and long-flowering variety of pieris with deep pink, almost red, spring flowers and glossy, dark green leaves. This compact, rounded, evergreen shrub is perfect for a partly shady shrub border or woodland garden with moist, well-drained acid soil. To protect the handsome foliage from frost-damage shade from the early morning sun. Garden care: Add composted pine needles or peat when planting. Apply a generous 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of composted pine needles or peat each year around the base of the plant in early spring. Remove the faded flower-heads in late spring along with any frost-damaged foliage.

nectar-feeder £14.99
You can make sure all the bees and butterflies have plenty to eat with this feeder. It is made with timber from a sustainable source and has specially formulated ‘nectar’ that will have them flocking into your garden.Site it in a sheltered part of the garden with protection from sun during the hottest part of the day for best results.

clematis (group 3) £12.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained, neutral soilRate of growth: average to fast-growingFlowering period: August to OctoberFlower colour: bright pinkOther features: unusual, tulip-like flowersHardiness: fully hardyStriking, bright pink, trumpet-shaped flowers with prominent, creamy-yellow centres from August to October and mid-green leaves. This late-flowering clematis looks lovely scrambling through a climbing rose or tree in full sun or semi-shade. The unusual, tulip-like flowers associate well with many medium-sized garden shrubs.Garden care: In early spring cut back the previous year’s stems to a pair of strong buds about 15-20cm (6-8in) above ground level and apply a slow-release balanced fertiliser and a mulch of well-rotted garden compost around the plant, avoiding the immediate crown.

copper-snail-and-slug-tape £12.99
This is a great way to keep both slugs and snails off your potted plants without having to resort to using chemicals. It is a self adhesive copper tape that should be stuck to the sides of the pot to form a complete circle. As these annoying pests try to crawl past it, the tape creates a small electrical charge that is further intensified by the serrated edge. It is safe to use around pets and wildlife, and is environmentally friendly – but no so friendly towards the slugs and snails in your garden.

string-tidy £12.99
Invaluable for the garden shed, kitchen or office, this solid oak stand comes with a ball of natural cotton string and a pair of stainless steel scissors. It is a beautifully crafted piece of kit and the timber comes from a sustainable source.

garden-line £12.99
A pair of solid beech, oiled finished stakes are wound with russet coloured jute twine that make easy work of marking out new beds. You can also use them to get a straight line when edging the lawn or laying out planting or seed rows.
fly-swat £12.99
hellebore £10.99
paeony / peony £8.99
blue cowslip £6.99
montbretia £6.99
Siberian iris £6.99
Canadian burnet £6.99
pineapple lily £6.99
Siberian iris £6.99
mullein £6.99