New products at Crocus
by Sarah - May 2nd, 2010.Filed under: Crocus, New Products.
Crocus has these new items today

hozelock–2-in-1-hose-reel £29.99
A 45m 2in1 Reel with a 25m hose. It has a one-piece winding handle, which makes re-winding the hose on the 45m reel easier. The reel is lightweight and can hold up to 45m of 12.5mm hose.Is is supplied with 25m of multi purpose hose. It includes 2 hose end connectors, 1 threaded tap connector, and an adjustable nozzle.

clematis (group 3) £9.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, moist, well-drained soilRate of growth: averageFlowering period: July to SeptemberFlower colour: mauve and pinkHardiness: fully hardyPretty, nodding, crinkled flowers appear for a long period from mid summer. They are perfect for using in conjunction with summer flowering roses, as these will just be starting to burst into bloom when the roses have begun to fade. The bell shaped flowers are creamy-mauve with a darker streak on the outside, and a pale creamy-pink on the inside, which becomes darker towards the edges.Garden care: Cut back the stems to healthy buds at the base of the plant each winter and apply a mulch of well-rotted garden compost around the plant, avoiding the immediate crown.

blueberry – early to mid-season fruiting £9.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: prefers moist, well-drained acidic soil but will grow in sandy or normal soilRate of growth: fast-growingOther features: light blue berries (July)Hardiness: fully hardySuper-sized light blue fruits appear in large numbers in early July on this new, early to mid season blueberry. The berries have a delicious taste, are packed with nutrients and have a long shelf life. The spreading bushes are said to have good resistance to disease and will produce a bumper crop of berries each year. No wonder this variety is fast becoming a favourite.Garden care: Prepare the ground well before planting. Blueberries can also be grown in large pots and containers if ericaceous compost is used. Prune in winter, cutting out dead or damaged branches. In spring, feed with sulphate of ammonia, sulphate of potash and bonemeal and top-dress with ericaceous compost.

honey spurge £7.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: light, well-drained garden soilRate of growth: fast growingFlowering period: March and AprilHardiness: frost hardy (needs winter protection in cold areas)A magnificent, large euphorbia that really makes a dramatic statement in the garden. It has stiff stems strung with whorls of bright green leaves with a white stripe down the centre and topped in spring, with small, honey-scented, bronze-tinted flowers. This evergreen shrub is grown as much for its foliage as its deliciously scented flowers and will thrive in a sheltered, sunny spot. It forms a natural dome shape, and gives structure and an architectual quality to the garden. Or try it as part of an exotic scheme; the luminous-green leaves look great with large-leafed plants. Garden care: In autumn cut back the faded flower stems, avoiding new ones. When working with spurges always wear gloves since the milky sap is poisonous and a potential skin irritant. Remove unwanted seedlings each spring as part of routine border maintenance.