Garden And Gardener

Everything for the Gardener and their Garden

Broad Beans

by Sarah - May 11th, 2010.
Filed under: garden. Tagged as: .

Broad bean seedlingsEasy to grow – just put them in. They need little attention other than some feeding and watering when it’s hot.

These are the seeds that most primary school children will have grown on blotting paper rolled up in jars! It’s something I did when I was at primary school – bought them home and planted them out and picked my first home grown broad beans aged about 8 or 9. I had them with bacon – something that I still think goes really well.

They’re relaxing to pod too – with their fat furry lined cases!

In the picture these are about 2 weeks old. They should be being planted out soon. They can also be sown directly into the ground.