Garden And Gardener

Everything for the Gardener and their Garden

Fair Trade Barbeque

by Sarah - June 4th, 2010.
Filed under: garden. Tagged as: .

If you’re looking for a way of getting out and really enjoying your garden this summer, then nothing can beat a barbeque! Whether you spend days planning it, or just want an impromptu outdoor meal, Fair Trade instant barbeques are just the thing!

Fair Trade barbeque

Fair Trade Barbeque

The Fair Trade barbeques weigh in at just over 0.7kg each and are sold in packs
of three. They’re available for £7.99 – which compares very favourably
with normal disposable barbeques that are retailing at places like Tesco for
about £3 each.

Disposable barbeques need placing on something to so find some old bricks or
something that can make a nice stable base. Lighting is simple – just strike
a match and light the corners of the sheet of material that covers the top of
the barbeque underneath the grill area. After 15 minutes the charcoal should
be going white on the outside, any flames died down and it should be ready to
cook on. The cardboard tray it’s packed in is very useful for popping your barbeque
tools on as a mini table!

Fair Trade barbeque

They offer you at least an hour and half’s cooking time out of each tray –
obviously if you’re trying to feed impatient people then you might want to have
a couple of trays on at the same time so everyone gets fed faster. The beauty
of the grill is that it’s easy to give a little shake to (use barbeque tongs)
and you keep all the hot charcoal in the same place. This means you get a good
burning time and no wasted charcoal. Our barbeque was still hot after 2 hours
although over a smaller area. There was little flaring up during our barbeque
of sausages and burgers, although there was some smoke, just what you’d expect
when fat drips off food onto hot coals!

It fed three of us very easily and was easy to use. The barbeque looks after
itself and there’s no bits to fall off, unless you count errant sausages of

As a quick and easy barbeques it’s excellent – and offers great value for money.
Cleaning up afterwards is fantastically simple – you wait for it to cool down
and then throw it away. It’s small and easy to carry so you could pack these
for a beach trip or camping and they’d be light to carry as well as compact.
You get a surprising amount of cooking time from them – and there’s no mess
or clearing up!

The charcoal is made in Namibia providing employment and helping the process
of converting land from scrub into useable farmland. The charcoal is made from
wood and thorn weed plants and converted in special portable iron kilns. The
workers receive a good wage and access to healthcare. The kilns are provided
to them for free. This whole process of Fair Trade by Tradecraft enables people
to benefit from the employment it offers and for UK customers to enjoy using
the high quality product they make. This process of charcoal making follows
the guidelines set out by the Forest Stewardship Council.

Benefits include:

  • Easy to light
  • Easy to use
  • No cleaning needed – just throw away
  • Benefits Fair Trade projects in Namibia!
  • Excellent pricing
  • Great product

If you’re going to buy a disposable barbeque this summer then make sure it’s
one of these Tradecraft Fair Trade instant barbeques! It’s so easy – buy them
in advance and then when you want a barbeque they’re there waiting! They hardly
take up any room in a cupboard – and are clean to store so you can keep them
in the kitchen cupboards!