New products at Dobies
by Sarah - December 29th, 2010.Filed under: Dobies, New Products.
New items at Dobies
Row Planters 2 Packs (4 rows) £13.95
Sow seeds under cover in these Row Planters, and when they’re ready to plant out simply slide them straight into a prepared trench with no root disturbance! They’re lightweight, reusable and ideal for vegetables or bedding plants. Each pack contains a holding tray, two 33cm (13″) rows and a propagating lid. 2 packs (4 rows). (Buy 2, SAVE £2.00!)
Row Planters 4 Packs (8 rows) – SAVE £2.00! £25.90
Sow seeds under cover in these Row Planters, and when they’re ready to plant out simply slide them straight into a prepared trench with no root disturbance! They’re lightweight, reusable and ideal for vegetables or bedding plants. Each pack contains a holding tray, two 33cm (13″) rows and a propagating lid.