Special offers at Jersey Plants Direct
by Sarah - January 9th, 2011.Filed under: Jersey Plants. Tagged as: 3 for 2 on plants, plant offers, shurb 3 for 2.
Visit the Special Offers Page at Jersey Plants Direct to keep up with all their latest plant offers!
There are some 3 for 2 Offers on shrubs and other money saving multi buys.
Fantastic Offer Buy 2 Get 1 FREE
Hippeastrum Sonatini Helios 3 Bulbs
Hippeastrum Sonatini Swanlake 3 Bulbs
Hippeastrum Sonatini Balentino 3 Bulbs
Hippeastrum Collection 3 Bulbs
Buddleia Border Beauty 3 Plants
Buddleia White Ball 3 Plants
Buddleia Empire Blue 3 Plants
Clematis Jackmannii 3 Plants
Clematis The President 3 plants
Chamaecyparis obtusa Pygmaea 3 Plants