Garden And Gardener

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Price reductions at Suttons Seeds

by Sarah - April 19th, 2011.
Filed under: Price Reductions, Suttons Seeds.

Reduced products at Suttons Seeds

Double Tap Connector

Double Tap Connector was £6.95 now £2.95
Now you can connect two hoses to a tap at the same time! or use with one hose, keeping the other outlet free for easy can filling, hand washing, etc. Includes 2 on/off valves. Easy attachment to a threaded tap. With ¾” thread and reducer to ½” thread. ONLY 1 LEFT. . . . . .

Fuchsia Food

Fuchsia Food was £5.95 now £2.95
The perfect soluble feed for fabulous fuchsias, this specialist food produces bigger plants with better, strong-coloured flowers and healthy dark-green foliage. One pack can make over 2000 litres of plant food. 800g pack. ONLY 20 LEFT. . . . . .

Indoor and Outdoor Wireless Thermometer

Indoor and Outdoor Wireless Thermometer was £48.90 now £23.90
With our handy wireless thermometer you can monitor not only the indoor temperature but also the temperature outdoors (or in your greenhouse) from the comfort of your chair! It has a max-min function, radio controlled clock which shows humidity, weather forecast with symbols and can be wall mounted or stood on a surface. Sensor range of up to 25m (82′), obstacles will reduce the range slightly. Outdoor temperature range -30