Garden And Gardener

Everything for the Gardener and their Garden

Just moved house and got a new garden?

by Diane - March 5th, 2012.
Filed under: garden.

Getting a new garden

What do you want from your garden?

Do you want to entertain it in, have a nice seating area, have a barbeque, grow veg, grow flowers, have a nice lawn to sunbath one, have a nice garden to look at, or have lots of things to keep you busy in it? What about a pond? Do you want a washing line? A compost bin? A play area for the kids?

If you’ve got a new garden – perhaps you’ve just moved house, then you can take your time to think about what you want from it.
Assess what plants are in it before you start work. This should sensibly mean spending a whole year just looking after it as it is.
It also gives you a chance to see which area gets the most sun, or gets too hot, or is the windiest bit of the garden.
Taking your time means you will more than likely make good decisions about how to lay out the garden.
It also means you don’t waste money on something that then either needs to be moved or isn’t suitable for your garden.

Draw plans of your garden. You don’t have to be a great artist or designer. Mark on where the sun spends most of it’s time and where is always shady. You might be able to tell from clues like moss in the shaded areas. Areas by walls and fences can often be drier because the wall affects how the rain falls. You might also find there are naturally soggy areas in the garden which need drainage improving.

Whilst you might be impatient and really want to crack on changing the garden you are best assessing your garden fully to ensure you know everything about it. You can start making notes about what you want in the garden.
You’ll also get to know what wildlife comes into the garden too – whether you have neighbouring cats, hedgehogs, birds, or foxes. All these tiny details can help you create a really good garden.

Set a budget – and save up whilst you’re assessing the garden, so when you’re finally ready you have some money to help you put your plans into action.

If you want to do hard landscape changes then do you have the skills you need, or will you have to rope in family members, or pay someone to do the work? If you want a new lawn then are you able to prepare the soil yourself and lay turf, or would you prefer to sow seed?

Your lawn might look in a bad state when you move in, but regular cutting will keep weeds down. Your flower beds might need weeding but take care that you’re not pulling up plants. If you are very lucky the previous owners will have left you information about plants in the garden. If not then you’ll have to try to identify them as best you can. Often neighbours can give you information about plants – especially those with nice gardens! Most gardeners are nice and friendly and will offer you help if you have basic questions.

Of course, after a year you might decide that the garden is perfect for you and be happy to leave it as it is. This would be a good outcome! No hard work or expense planned and you’ve got a garden you can use!