Garden And Gardener

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Comfrey potting mixture

by Diane - June 14th, 2012.
Filed under: General Gardening.

How to make Comfrey potting mixture.
How to do this?
Can’t find definitive instructions – but suspect you could either:
Take lots of comfrey leaves and mix with autumn leaves. Store in a black sack or leaf container until a fine compost is obtained.
Take well rotted leaf compost and add comfrey leaves to it for a couple of weeks until they have rotted down. This would add lots of plant food to the material.

Shred comfrey leaves and normal leaves and leave to rot. This process will help the leaves break down fast. It is often suggested to mow leaves up from a lawn which mixes them with grass cuttings which speed up the composting process.
I will be experimenting with this as soon as my comfrey plants are strong enough next year to give me a harvest!