Hazel trees
by Diane - August 21st, 2012.Filed under: Thompson and Morgan.

Hazelnut Collection – 2 trees – 1 of each variety £39.99
Hazelnuts make attractive and productive nut trees. This special collection combines two excellent varieties that will bring colour, catkins and plenty of cobnuts for seasonal interest all year round. These Hazelnuts are self-fertile and will begin to produce nuts three to four after planting. Height and spread: 3m (9’). Collection comprises: Hazelnut ‘Kentish Cob’ – Probably the best-known UK variety and easiest to grow in the garden. This attractive, bushy tree produces a mass of yellow-green catkins in the early spring followed a heavy crop of cobnuts in from September. Hazelnut ‘Red Cracker’ – A striking red filbert, with dark red leaves and pretty red husks with crisp white inner kernels. This vigorous tree is stunning in spring with its highly attractive foliage, and also provides winter interest when it is covered in yellow catkins which hold well on the tree.

Hazelnut ‘Red Cracker’ – 1 tree £24.99
A striking red filbert, with dark red leaves and pretty red husks with crisp white inner kernels. This vigorous tree is stunning in spring with its highly attractive foliage, and also provides winter interest when it is covered in yellow catkins which hold well on the tree. Hazelnut ‘Red Cracker’ is self-fertile and therefore does not require a pollination companion. Hazels will begin to produce nuts three to four after planting. Height and spread: 3m (9’). Please note, fruit trees will be despatched as early as possible this autumn, once they have gone dormant and are in the ideal condition for lifting from the nursery and for transplanting by our customers.

Hazelnut ‘Kentish Cob’ (Filbert) – 1 tree £22.99
Hazelnut ‘Kentish Cob’ is probably the best-known UK variety and easiest to grow in the garden. This attractive, bushy tree produces a mass of yellow-green catkins in the early spring followed a heavy crop of cobnuts in from September. Cobnut ‘Kentish Cob’ is self-fertile and therefore does not require a pollination companion. Hazels will begin to produce nuts three to four after planting. Height and spread: 3m (9’). Please note, fruit trees will be despatched as early as possible this autumn, once they have gone dormant and are in the ideal condition for lifting from the nursery and for transplanting by our customers.

Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Westerstede’ – 1 plant in 9cm pot £12.99
During the bleak winter months, this deciduous shrub bears an explosion of golden blooms. The sweetly scented, shaggy flowers of Hamamelis intermedia ‘Westerstede’ cling resiliently to its leafless twigs. The summer foliage of Witch Hazel forms a simple backdrop for summer flowering perennials, before turning to vibrant shades of brilliant orange and red in autumn. This majestic specimen shrub is ideal for adding colour and interest to mixed borders and woodland gardens throughout the year. Height and spread: 4m (13’).

Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Pallida’ – 1 plant in 9cm pot £12.99
During the bleak winter months, this deciduous shrub bears an explosion of sulphur yellow blooms. The sweetly scented, shaggy flowers of Hamamelis intermedia ‘Pallida’ cling resiliently to its leafless twigs. The summer foliage of Witch Hazel forms a simple backdrop for summer flowering perennials, before turning to vibrant shades of brilliant orange and red in autumn. Awarded an RHS Award of Garden Merit, this majestic specimen shrub is ideal for adding colour and interest to mixed borders and woodland gardens throughout the year. Height and spread: 4m (13’).

Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’ – 1 plant in 9cm pot £12.99
During the bleak winter months, this deciduous shrub bears an explosion of rich red, spidery blooms. The sweetly scented, shaggy flowers of Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’ cling resiliently to its leafless twigs. The summer foliage of Witch Hazel forms a simple backdrop for summer flowering perennials, before turning to vibrant shades of brilliant orange and red in autumn. Awarded an RHS Award of Garden Merit, this majestic specimen shrub is ideal for adding colour and interest to mixed borders and woodland gardens throughout the year. Height and spread: 4m (13’).