Garden And Gardener

Everything for the Gardener and their Garden

Kindle ebook about keeping bees

by Diane - March 7th, 2013.
Filed under: Amazon, Bees.

Keeping Honey Bees and Swarm Trapping

Keeping Honey Bees and Swarm Trapping

Swarm trapping is another aspect to free bees that entails catching that runaway swarm even when I’m not around and in places I can’t always be. I’ve had my share of experiences where the swarm departed for some unknown destination, and then I’ve wondered about the swarms that come out of bee trees in remote areas where no human being was able to discover them and call me. And what about the swarms that people find but they don’t know who to call? Eventually those swarms will leave for a hollow tree or somebody’s garden shed. How can I get those swarms I don’t even know about?