Fun to grow with kids
by Sarah - December 3rd, 2013.Filed under: Suttons Seeds.
Great seed kits for kids

Runner Bean Growing Kit for Kids £0.99
Everything you need to get the kids growing beans just one small pot! Pot contains a peat pot, ‘magic’ compost black, seed and fun facts sheet. Ideal for starting on the windowsill. Did you know: Runner beans are often called scarlet runner beans as most varieties have bright red flowers, but there are also varieties of runner beans with white, pink or red and white flowers.

Tomato Growing Kit for Kids £0.99
Everything you need to get the kids growing in just one small pot! Pot contains a peat pot, ‘magic’ compost black, Tomato Gardener’s Delight seed and fun facts sheet. Ideal for starting on the windowsill.

Sunflower Growing Kit for Kids £0.99
Sunflower Giant Yellow – Everything you need to get the kids growing in just one small pot! Pot contains a peat pot, ‘magic’ compost black, seed and fun facts sheet. Ideal for starting on the windowsill.

Strawberry Growing Kit for Kids £0.99
Strawberry Mignonette – Everything you need to get the kids growing in just one small pot! Pot contains a peat pot, ‘magic’ compost block, seed and fun facts sheet. Ideal for starting on the windowsill.

Pumpkin Growing Kit for Kids £0.99
Everything you need to get the kids growing pumpkins in just one small pot! Pot contains a peat pot, ‘magic’ compost block, seed and fun facts sheet. Ideal for starting on the windowsill. Did you know that the Irish bought the tradition of Pumpkin carving to the U.S, they originally used Turnips for this activity. Pumpkins can weigh up to over 1,000Ibs (454kg).

Connor Carrot £1.25
Carrot Amsterdam Forcing 3 – Suttons character-based seed packets feature educationally based ‘fun facts’ including fascinating information on the origins of these plants and how they are used. There are a range of easily grown flowers and vegetables with names like Sunny Sunflower, Polly Pansy, Peter Pea and Tanya Tomato. Printed on the inside of the packs children will find ‘word searches’ or on the vegetable packs, recipes or cooking hints.

Robbie Runner Bean £1.25
Runner Bean Scarlet Emperor (Climbing) – Suttons character-based seed packets feature educationally based ‘fun facts’ including fascinating information on the origins of these plants and how they are used. There are a range of easily grown flowers and vegetables with names like Sunny Sunflower, Polly Pansy, Peter Pea and Tanya Tomato. Printed on the inside of the packs children will find ‘word searches’ or on the vegetable packs, recipes or cooking hints.

Carly Calendula £1.25
Calendula Orange King – Suttons character-based seed packets feature educationally based ‘fun facts’ including fascinating information on the origins of these plants and how they are used. There are a range of easily grown flowers and vegetables with names like Sunny Sunflower, Polly Pansy, Peter Pea and Tanya Tomato. Printed on the inside of the packs children will find ‘word searches’ or on the vegetable packs, recipes or cooking hints.

Flower Family £1.25
The Flower Family are a friendly bunch of Hardy Annual Flower Seeds. Suttons character-based seed packets feature educationally based ‘fun facts’ including fascinating information on the origins of these plants and how they are used. Printed on the inside of the packs children will find ‘word searches’ or other fun tasks.

Polly Pansy £1.25
Pansy Swiss Giants Mix – Suttons character-based seed packets feature educationally based ‘fun facts’ including fascinating information on the origins of these plants and how they are used. There are a range of easily grown flowers and vegetables with names like Sunny Sunflower, Polly Pansy, Peter Pea and Tanya Tomato. Printed on the inside of the packs children will find ‘word searches’ or on the vegetable packs, recipes or cooking hints.

Susie Sweet Pea Seed £1.25
Did you know that I am related to the tasty little green garden peas, but you cant eat me! Originally I came from Italy and my flowers come in every colour of the rainbow, except yellow. Sweet Pea Spencer Mix – Suttons character-based seed packets feature educationally based ‘fun facts’ including fascinating information on the origins of these plants and how they are used. There are a range of easily grown flowers and vegetables with names like Sunny Sunflower, Polly Pansy, Peter Pea and Tanya Tomato. Printed on the inside of the packs children will find ‘word searches’ or on the vegetable packs, recipes or cooking hints.

Sunny Sunflower £1.25
Sunflower Giant Single – Suttons character-based seed packets feature educationally based ‘fun facts’ including fascinating information on the origins of these plants and how they are used. There are a range of easily grown flowers and vegetables with names like Sunny Sunflower, Polly Pansy, Peter Pea and Tanya Tomato. Printed on the inside of the packs children will find ‘word searches’ or on the vegetable packs, recipes or cooking hints.

Patty Pumpkin £1.25
Pumpkins are very versatile. You can grow them for eating, Halloween carving, or to grow the largest pumpkin. The largest pumpkin ever grown weighed 666kg (1469lb)!Sow my seeds: April-June. Sow your Patty Pumpkin seeds one each, on edge in 9cm (31/2) pots, 2.5cm (1) deep. Keep on a sunny windowsill to grow. Plant out when the risk of frost is past. You can also sow direct outside from May onwards. Sow in groups of 3 seeds 90cm (3′) apart. Thin to leave the strongest plant. Care of your Patty Pumpkins: Your young pumpkin plants should appear in 5-8 days. As the plants grow, pinch out the tips of the main shoots when about 90cm (3′) long. Yellow flowers will be produced followed by baby pumpkins. Remove any weeds and keep the plants well watered. Pick my pumpkins: Sept-October. You can harvest your pumpkins when they turn orange from mid September onwards. You can store them by harvesting before the first frost and storing in a cool room. Just right for Halloween!

Tanya Tomato £1.25
Tomato Gardener’s Delight – Suttons character-based seed packets feature educationally based ‘fun facts’ including fascinating information on the origins of these plants and how they are used. There are a range of easily grown flowers and vegetables with names like Sunny Sunflower, Polly Pansy, Peter Pea and Tanya Tomato. Printed on the inside of the packs children will find ‘word searches’ or on the vegetable packs, recipes or cooking hints.

Fun to Grow Seeds: Cress Gang £1.25
Curly Cress has a tongue tingling taste, which will liven up your sandwiches and salads.Sow my seeds: January-December. Choose a container with small holes in the base. Fill with compost or a few layers of kitchen towel and water lightly. Scatter your cress seeds over the surface, but not too thickly.Care for your Cress Gang: Cover the tray with paper and keep on a warm windowsill to grow. Remove the paper as your seedlings grow to around 1cm (1/2) high. Make sure your cress is kept moist.Pick my cress: January-December. Cut your cress at the base of the stems, with scissors, when the stems are 5cm (2) high