New products at Plant Me Now
by John - December 14th, 2013.Filed under: New Products, Plant Me Now.
New products at Plant Me Now
Grow Your Own Pearl Oyster Mushrooms £3.95
Contains 50g of cereal grain which carries the mushroom spawn. Grow and harvest your own fresh mushrooms with a refined flavour and velvety texture. Europe’s favourite wild mushroom for centuries, also loved in the east. With a mild, refined flavour and beautiful velvety texture. Perfect with chicken, pork and seafood or just grilled with salt and pepper. Suitable for growing on Mushroom Growing Boards.
Tomato Ferline F1 Seeds £3.15
Tomato Ferline is both tolerant of blight and crops inside or out. It produces standard sized fruits which show tolerance to blight. They are interminate (need support) and can be grown outdoors or in greenhouses. Ferline Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidants.
Nigella African Bride Sarah Raven Seeds £2.60
Nigella ‘African Bride’ is the most glamorous of all the nigella with beautiful white tudor ruff flowers, followed by equally dramatic and beautiful crimson crown seedpods. The seed pods dry well too and the bees and butterflies love it.
Wildflower Poppy Sarah Raven Seeds £2.30
No garden is complete without its brilliant red poppies. Scatter the seed straight into the garden and they’ll be quick to flower. If you sear the stem ends in boiling water for 10 seconds, the flowers last a couple of days in a vase.
Poppy Ladybird Seeds £2.05
A hardy annual, it can be down where it is to flower. Dramatically marked flowers above fresh green foliage, sensational sown in groups or drifts, very easy to grow.
Green Manure Winter Rye Seeds £1.85
One of the very besst over wintering green manures, growing through much of the winter. Produces large amouts of fiborous roots to improve soil structure and reduce soil compaction. Prevents important nutrients being washed from the soil by wet winter weather.
Chinese Chives – garlic chives Seeds £1.80
Chinese Chives are easy to grow herb with a subtle garlic flavour. Flower buds as well as the laves are often included in Thai stir-fries and the decorative flowers can be added to salads. Easily grows in pots.
Bees and Butterflies Children’s Seeds £1.30
All sorts of butterflies and insects are attracted to these flowers, see how many you can spot. The Bees and Butterflies children’s seeds are an easy to grow mix of garden flowers. They’re hardy annuals so they flower the same year that they’re planted. Great idea to get kids interesting in the garden!