New products at PondKeeper
by John - January 19th, 2014.Filed under: New Products, PondKeeper.
New items today at PondKeeper
SPARE PUMP PondXpert FreeFlow 3500 Pump £40.00
Don’t worry about buying a brand new pump if your impellor breaks. Simply purchase a new replacement pump unit compplete with impellor, spindle, and magnetic cylinder
PondXpert All 4 One 4000 UVC ONLY £20.00
If you UVC unit has stopped working and you are outside your guarantee period save money buy purchasing this spare UVC Unit for the PondXpert All in One 4000
PondXpert All 4 One 4000 UVC Transformer £14.99
If your UVC unit has stopped working and the bulb is fine then the most likely cause is the Transformer. If your unit is outside of its guarantee then you can save money by simply purchasing the UVC transformer.
PondXpert FreeFlow 3500 Impellor £14.99
Don’t worry about buying a brand new pump if your impellor breaks. Simply purchase a new replacement impellor complete with spindle and magnetic cylinder
PondXpert Pump Buddy (Skimmer) Head £9.99
If you have a broken Head Basket there is no need to buy a complete new unit. Simply purchase this head basket and it will fit onto your existing pond skimmer.
PondXpert Pump Buddy (Skimmer) Extension Piece £4.99
If you have a Extension Pole there is no need to buy a complete new unit. Simply purchase this extension pole and it will fit onto your existing pond skimmer.
PondXpert Pump Buddy (Skimmer) Base £4.99
If you have a broken base there is no need to buy a complete new unit. Simply purchase this Base section and it will fit onto your existing pond skimmer.
PondXpert All 4 One 4000 Stone Bag £3.00
If you have mislaid you stone bag which acts as both a weight and filter media then simply buy one of these replacement stone bags ready full with stones