Garden And Gardener

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Grow pumpkins this year

by Diane - March 4th, 2014.
Filed under: allotment, Suttons Seeds.

You don’t have to grow huge pumpkins, you can grow smaller tasty ones for eating.

Squash Seeds – Potimarron
This one is my favourite. I grew it for the first time in 2013. I had about 15 pumpkins off a couple of plants so was very impressed with the yield.
They are truley delicious. Roast whole for about an hour or cut into slices for shorter roasting time. Then either serve the flesh as a vegetable or turn into the most amazing soup. You can add it to curry too. Oh they were delicious! I was so sad when I finished the last one.
Well worth growing and on my must have plant list. This is going to be grown every year. I will be starting a few seeds off for friends too this year and getting them also growing this fantastic plant. It’s a great one to have to cover up space if you have lots of room. Plant lots if you have space to fill. Plant just one or two otherwise.


This variety of pumpkin, rich in vitamins, is known for its very fine taste, which is reminiscent of chestnut puree. An easy to grow variety, it produces tasty fruit in profusion. Plus it keeps well once harvested, and will enable you to make delicious soups throughout the winter. Sow April-May. Harvest September to November.French Vegetable Seeds from Vilmorin – We’re giving you the chance to try out some varieties and bring colour and flavour of the French country market to your own garden, allotment and dinner plate. Seeds supplied in French packs with separate English translation.

Patty Pumpkin
Pumpkins are very versatile. You can grow them for eating, Halloween carving, or to grow the largest pumpkin. The largest pumpkin ever grown weighed 666kg (1469lb)!Sow my seeds: April-June. Sow your Patty Pumpkin seeds one each, on edge in 9cm (31/2) pots, 2.5cm (1) deep. Keep on a sunny windowsill to grow. Plant out when the risk of frost is past. You can also sow direct outside from May onwards. Sow in groups of 3 seeds 90cm (3′) apart. Thin to leave the strongest plant. Care of your Patty Pumpkins: Your young pumpkin plants should appear in 5-8 days. As the plants grow, pinch out the tips of the main shoots when about 90cm (3′) long. Yellow flowers will be produced followed by baby pumpkins. Remove any weeds and keep the plants well watered. Pick my pumpkins: Sept-October. You can harvest your pumpkins when they turn orange from mid September onwards. You can store them by harvesting before the first frost and storing in a cool room. Just right for Halloween!

Pumpkin Amazonka Seeds
The perfect choice if you have limited space, producing bright orange, flattened spherical fruits which are ideal for roasting or soup-making and store well too.

Pumpkin Atlantic Giant Seeds
We have been asked by many people, who have seen it whilst holidaying in the USA, to re-introduce this American whopper! If you’re looking for ‘the big one’ for the village show or Halloween then this is the one to grow!

Pumpkin F1 Becky Seeds
An outstanding pumpkin, producing excellent yields of delicious, medium-sized orange fruit. Great for cooking or carving out for Halloween!

Pumpkin Growing Kit for Kids
Everything you need to get the kids growing pumpkins in just one small pot! Pot contains a peat pot, ‘magic’ compost block, seed and fun facts sheet. Ideal for starting on the windowsill. Did you know that the Irish bought the tradition of Pumpkin carving to the U.S, they originally used Turnips for this activity. Pumpkins can weigh up to over 1,000Ibs (454kg).

Pumpkin Hundredweight Seeds
A superb pumpkin that produces enormous yellow/orange-skinned fruits – great for competitions, but also delicious to eat! The yellow flesh gives colour in salads or pickles and the leaves can be cooked like spinach.

Pumpkin Plants – F1 Windsor
Unlike traditional pumpkins, Windsor won’t go sprawling across your garden! Its compact habit makes it ideal for containers, and it will keep you supplied with tasty 15cm (6) diameter fruits throughout the season. You don’t have to have a large vegetable garden to grow your own. Even the smallest patio or balcony can accommodate a few containers that will give you a bumper crop of delicious fresh produce!

Pumpkin Seeds – F1 Windsor
Easy to grow. Ideal for pots or containers. Sweet, nutty flavoured flesh.