Garden And Gardener

Everything for the Gardener and their Garden

To proxy vote or not?

by Diane - April 10th, 2014.
Filed under: allotment.

I suspect not, as people faced with the option of not sitting through a boring meeting, will not then attend meetings.

7. Voting

At all ballots or elections each member, not in arrears with their subscription or rent, shall be entitled to one vote. In the event of a tied result the chairman of the meeting shall have one additional, or casting vote, except when the vote is for a change in the Constitution.

Proxy Votes

A member who is unable to attend a meeting in person may appoint a Proxy to vote for them. The proxy may be a member of the Committee or any other member eligible to vote. In this event the member must inform the Committee in writing of his voting intentions and of his nominated proxy.
Postal Ballots

In the event of insufficient attendance at any meeting to make up a quorum, the Committee may organise a postal ballot to determine the wishes of the membership.