New products at Crocus
by Sarah - April 28th, 2014.Filed under: Crocus, New Products.
New item at Crocus
Clematis montana var. rubens (clematis (group 1)) £7.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: fertile, well-drained, neutral soil Rate of growth: average to fast-growing Flowering period: May and June Hardiness: fully hardy Beautiful mauve-pink flowers smother the plant in late spring and early summer, complimenting the purple-flushed, mid-green leaves. This fast-growing montana clematis is ideal for covering a wall or fence in record time. Remember to support the plant well as it grows, as the foliage can get very dense. Garden care: No routine pruning is necessary. If the spread of the plant needs to be restricted prune immediately after flowering, cutting back overlong shoots to healthy buds. Apply a slow-release balanced fertiliser and a mulch of well-rotted garden compost around the base of the plant in early spring.