Frost warning
by Diane - May 2nd, 2014.Filed under: allotment.
How many people have got a heater for their greenhouse? Anyone growing tender plants should have one primed and ready to go. It’s been an exceptionally mild year so far, but last night, May 1st I put the greenhouse heater on. Tomatoes like to stay at least 10’C so a forecast of 6’C was a bit low and we erred on the side of caution and put it on overnight. I switched it off when I got up and it was about 13’C in the greenhouse.
It’s one of the reasons I don’t rush to sow tomatoes really early – because I don’t want to heat the greenhouse for months on end. I did read about someone sowing tomatoes in a cold greenhouse and am experimenting – so far it’s had poor germination rates – but I’ll carry on with the experiment.
Paraffin heaters for the greenhouse at Amazon
They have a really good range of heaters at Amazon. Look to see what size of greenhouse it is intended for. Some of the smaller ones will struggle to keep a bigger greenhouse at the temperature you want.
Parasene Superwarm heaters
Parasene Superwarm 5 Paraffin Heater is for a 8×6 greenhouse
Parasene Superwarm 4 Paraffin Heater is for a 6×6 greenhouse