The Big Allotment Challenge week 5
by Diane - May 19th, 2014.Filed under: TV.
Grow – 3 perfect onions.
Jo and Avril – Sturon
Kate and Eleanor – Sturon –Best in show
Rupert and Dimi – Rumba
Gary and Pete – Ailsa Craig
Alex and Ed – Hercules
Make –
3 perfect chysanthamums, make a pedestal design, (front facing, balanced, clear outline of foliage)
Focal point, allusion of depth for the pedestal arrangement.
Jo and Avril – Spray collection
Kate and Eleanor – Jewell collection
Rupert and Dimi – sunset
Gary and Pete – Red Lilian Hoek
Alex and Ed – Myss Reanne << best in show
For pedestal floral arrangement Rupert and Dimi
Jelly and fruit butter
Jo and Avril – Redcurrant and Rhubarb jelly and a Rhubarb, apple and blueberry fruit butter <- best in show!
Kate and Eleanor – Rhubarb and Strawberry butter and blackcurrant jelly
Rupert and Dimi – Rhubarb and Strawberry butter and a Red and blackcurrant jelly
Gary and Pete – Melon and Rose jelly and blackcurrant and basil fruit butter
Alex and Ed – Tomato and chilli jelly and redcurrant and rhubarb butter
two teams are leaving!
Gary and Pete going home as are Jo and Avril