New products at Crocus
by Sarah - May 29th, 2014.Filed under: Crocus, New Products.
Crocus has these new items today
Passiflora ‘Purple Haze’ (passion flower) £19.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil Rate of growth: fast-growing Flowering period: July to September Hardiness: frost hardy (needs winter protection in cold areas) Passion flowers are believed to represent the suffering of Christ on the cross and the mysteries of the Passion. The 17th century monastic scholar, Jacomo Bosio, describes ‘the column rising in the centre of the flower surrounded by the thorn of crowns (and) the three nails at the top of the column. In between, near the base of the column is a yellow colour about the size of a reale, in which there are five spots or stains (stamens) of the hue of blood evidently setting forth five wounds received by our Lord on the cross.’ Garden care: Choose three to five of the strongest shoots, tying them in to horizontal wires. Once the plant is established, cut back the flowered shoots immediately after flowering to within two or three buds of the permanent framework of the plant. In spring remove dead, misplaced or overcrowded stems.
Heuchera ‘Citronella’ (PBR) (coral bells) £7.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained, neutral soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June to August Hardiness: fully hardy Garden care: Lift and divide large clumps in early autumn and replant with the crown just above the surface of the soil. Apply a generous 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of well-rotted organic matter around the crown of the plant in spring.