Price reductions at Jersey Plants Direct
by Sarah - June 29th, 2014.Filed under: Jersey Plants, Price Reductions.
Jersey Plants Direct has reduced the price on loads of items today
Hebe Lady Anne 1 Plant 3 Litre Pot was £11.99 now £9.99
A Small Evergreen Shrub Buy 2 get 1 FREE! Click here Lady Ann is a compact evergreen shrub that combines several attractive features. During the summer the foliage is green with silvery white margins. In Spring the young shoots are purplish-red and will be readily followed by dark pink flowers. In May and June the attractive young shoots are still visible and make a fine combination with the flowers. It must be grown in well-drained soil and must not dry out the season.
Caryopteris Sterling Silver 1 Plant 3 Litre was £11.99 now £9.99
Small blue-flowered deciduous shrubThese compact, small garden shrubs produce a mass of blue flowers through summer to early Autumn.
Hebe First Light 1 Plant 3 Litre was £11.99 now £9.99
A small evergreen shrub Buy 2 get 1 Free! Click hereThis small evergreen shrub has narrow dark green leaves with pink edge in the winter and produces mauve flowers in summer.
Euonymous fortunei Emerald Gaiety 1 Plant 3 Litre was £11.99 now £9.99
Ideal for small gardens & requires little maintenance Buy 2 get 1 FREE! Click here This Evergreen Euonymous provides good dense year round green and white foliage. It is suitable for the smaller garden, is low maintenance is a great source of winter colour.
Potentilla Princess 1 Plant 3 Litre was £11.99 now £9.99
Attractive red saucer shaped flowers from Spring to AutumnRHS Award of Garden MeritFrom spring to autumn the saucer shaped flowers will bring joy to the garden. Perfect for small gardens and easy to maintain with an occasional trim. Good in moist soils and in damper areas as it does not like to be to dry.
Choisya Ternata White Dazzler 1 Plant 3 Litre was £11.99 now £9.99
Easy to grow evergreen shrub with attractive foliageRHS AGM Award Buy 2 get 1 Free! Click here A popular garden evergreen with glossy, scented, varying coloured foliage, producing star shaped flowers from spring to autumn. Suitable for small to medium gardens and most soils, requiring little maintenance. This Shrub prefers a sheltered position away from wind.
Buddleia Nanho Purple 1 Plant 3 Litre was £11.99 now £9.99
Providing a Rich source of nectarAttracts Wildlife: This variety is great for attracting butterflies to the garden. Buy 2 Shrubs and get a 3rd for Free! Click here Buddleia or commonly known as the ‘Butterfly Bush’ provides a rich source of nectar. These plants are great for attracting butterflies, moths, hoverflies and finches to the garden.
Berberis Harlequin (Barberry) 1 Plant 3 litre was £11.99 now £9.99
Fragrant and deciduous Shrub ideal for the border or hedging Buy 2 and get 1 Free! Click here Berberis or more commonly known as Barberry is a scented attractive foliage which changes colour from purple / pink dotted with white freckles to a bright red in autumn. Compact and ideal for smaller gardens.
Beauty Berry Profusion 1 Plant 3 litre was £11.99 now £9.99
Fabulous purple berries that are loved by birdsAttracts Wildlife: Birds including robins and brown finches consume the fresh berries Buy 2 and get 1 Free! Click here ‘Callicarpa’ or more commonly known as ‘Beauty Berry’ is a deciduous shrub bearing pink flowers in the summer and purple berries in the autumn and winter. Birds including robins and brown finches consume the fresh berries.