New products at Blooming Direct
by John - July 25th, 2014.Filed under: Blooming Direct, New Products.
Blooming Direct just added these new items
Scabious Burgundy Bonnets – 6 large plugs £6.99
A simply divine Pincushion flower, usually only pale pink or blue, Burgundy Bonnets takes us off ina new colour direction.
Bred in the Uk by renowned Blooms of Bressingham, this fabulous garden perennial is a must for Summer performances. The lovely two tone pink and burgundy flowers waft gently on the breeze, bobbing around as bees and butterflies settle to feed on their nectar rich flowers all Summer.
Verbena bonariensis – 6 large plugs £6.99
The plant that came to prominence through garden designers using it everywhere in the early noughties, it really is now a garden essential. The tall wiry stems produce clouds of lavendar purple flowers at intervals. Bees and butterflies adore them, and they last well into Autumn too, their Winter skeletons adding interest as well. Very hardy, it self-seeds slowly too. A great garden perennial.