Garden And Gardener

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Price reductions at Crocus

by Sarah - July 26th, 2014.
Filed under: Crocus, Price Reductions.

Reduced price on products today at Crocus

Hordeum jubatum (squirrel tail grass)

Hordeum jubatum (squirrel tail grass) was £1.69 now £0.99
Position: full sun Soil: well drained, moderately fertile soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June – July Other features: the flowerheads can be cut and dried for floral arrangements Hardiness: fully hardy A beautiful annual or short lived perennial grass that produces long-bristled, pale green seedheads, that are flushed with red or purple and fade to light tan as they age. These feathery flower spikes are useful for cutting and drying if picked early. They usually produce loads of seed, so will come back year after year if they are in a good spot. It is great in seaside plantings as it is quite tolerant of salt, but avoid planting near livestock as the barbed awns around the seeds can cause problems if eaten. The flowerheads dry well and make attractive additions to arrangements. Garden care: Prepare a sunny seedbed and sow the seeds 5mm deep in spring or autumn. Germination can be slow, but after the seedlings start to appear, thin them out when they are large enough to handle. Carefully replant those removed, so all the plants are spaced at 25-30cm intervals. These plants like well-drained soil, so avoid over-watering. Sow: March-May or September-October Flowering: June-August Approximate quantity: 100 seeds.

Alcea rosea Chater's Double Group Double white-flowered (hollyhock)

Alcea rosea Chater’s Double Group Double white-flowered (hollyhock) was £4.99 now £2.49
Position: full sun Soil: moderately-fertile, well-drained soil Rate of growth: fast-growing Flowering period: June to August Hardiness: fully hardy Rounded buds open from the base of the sturdy, upright flowerspike to many-petalled white flowers, which have a slightly ruffled appearance. The blooms are attractive to bees and other beneficial insects. Garden care: Water well during dry spells. In autumn cut the plants back to 15cm (6in) from the ground.

Veronica 'Pink Harmony' (speedwell)

Veronica ‘Pink Harmony’ (speedwell) was £5.99 now £2.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June and July Hardiness: fully hardy Noted for its abundance of blush-pink summer flowers, each with protruding deep pink stamens, this compact speedwell will mix well with pastel blues and purples as well as stronger shades of pink. Ideal in a cottage garden setting. Garden care: Remove faded flower stems in autumn. Apply a generous 5-7cm mulch of well-rotted garden compost or manure around the base of the plant in spring.

Campanula lactiflora (milky bellflower)

Campanula lactiflora (milky bellflower) was £5.99 now £2.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil Rate of growth: average to fast-growing Flowering period: July to September Hardiness: ful ly hardyTall, branching stems bearing clusters of deep lilac or sla te-blue, open, bell-shaped flowers appear from July to September among toothed, mid-green leaves. This tall bellflower is a cottage-garden classic and is perfec t towards the back of a mixed or herbaceous border. It’s a happy companion for old roses, self-seeds freely, and the flower colour is retained best in partial shade. Garden care: Protect the tender foliage from slugs and deadhead regularly to prolong flowering and prevent seeding. Apply a generous 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of well-rotted compost around the base of the plant in spring. Stake with bamboo canes or brushwood in spring before the flowers ap pear.

Leucanthemum Freak!  ('Leuz0001') (shasta daisy)

Leucanthemum Freak! (‘Leuz0001’) (shasta daisy) was £5.99 now £2.99
Position: full sun Soil: moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil Rate of growth: average to fast Flowering period: June to September Hardiness: fully hardy Appearing over a long period from early summer, the anemone-centred flowerheads of this delightful new perennial have a somewhat ruffled appearance. Its compact habit, makes it suitable for patio pots as well as the front of a sunny border. Garden care: Divide congested plants in early spring or late summer. Protect young plants from slugs and snails. Cut down to the ground in autumn.

Lathyrus odoratus Help for Heroes Mixture (spencer sweet pea seed Help for Heroes)

Lathyrus odoratus Help for Heroes Mixture (spencer sweet pea seed Help for Heroes) was £3.99 now £2.99
Position: full sun Soil: fertile, humus-rich, well-drained soil Rate of growth: average to fast-growing Flowering period: June to September Flower colour: mixed red, purple and lavender Other features: highly scented flowers Hardiness: hardy annual This is a great way to show your support to our armed forces as £1.00 from every packet sold will go to the Help for Heroes charity. The collection contains three vibrantly coloured sweet peas (one red, one purple and one lilac), all of which have a deliciously strong scent. They will jazz up your garden all through summer and will also provide you with lots of cut flowers. Garden care: From October to late February, sow seeds into deep pots or root trainers filled with a good-quality seed compost and place them in a cold frame. Pinch out the tips as the plants grow to encourage them to become bushier and produce more flowers, and harden off before planting out in early April. Direct sowings can also be made in October or March-April. It is important to remove the faded flowers before they set seed, so picking them to fill a vase inside will only encourage more to form. Sow: October-April Flowering: June-September Approximate quantity: 40 seeds.

Primula 'Francisca' (primula)

Primula ‘Francisca’ (primula) was £6.99 now £3.49
Position: partial shade Soil: moist, humus-rich, neutral to acid soil Rate of growth: average to fast Flowering period: March to July Hardiness: fully hardy Yellow-eyed, green flowers that have ruffled petal edges, appear for an extended period from early spring to midsummer. An unusual primula that will add colour to the front of a partially shaded border or woodland floor. Garden care: Divide large clumps after the plant has flowered, preferably during a wet spell.

Hordeum jubatum (squirrel tail grass)

Hordeum jubatum (squirrel tail grass) was £3.99 now £3.49
Position: full sun Soil: well drained, moderately fertile soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June – July Other features: the flowerheads can be cut and dried for floral arrangements Hardiness: fully hardy (annual or short-lived perennial) A beautiful annual or short lived perennial grass that produces long-bristled, pale green seedheads, that are flushed with red or purple and fade to light tan as they age. These feathery flower spikes are useful for cutting and drying if picked early. They usually produce loads of seed, so will come back year after year if they are in a good spot. It is great in seaside plantings as it is quite tolerant of salt, but avoid planting near livestock or pets as the barbed awns around the seeds can cause problems. Garden care: Tolerates a wide range of conditions as long as it is in sun. It is usually one of the first plants to colonise empty ground – especially near the coast. Allow the flowerheads to develop fully if you want to collect the seed in autumn.

Echinacea purpurea 'Green Edge' (coneflower)

Echinacea purpurea ‘Green Edge’ (coneflower) was £9.99 now £4.99
Position: full sun Soil: most soils, except very dry or boggy Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June to September Hardiness: fully hardy When the flowerheads first emerge in mid-to-late summer the creamy white ray-florets have a soft green flush. They surround a greenish cone, which slowly turns golden-orange and becomes more prominent over time. Garden care: Lift and divide congested colonies in autumn or spring. In autumn cut back all dead flower stems to the ground. Coneflower s benefit from a spring or autumn mulch with well-rotted compost.