New products at Plant Me Now
by John - August 11th, 2014.Filed under: New Products, Plant Me Now.
New products today at Plant Me Now
Daffodil Bulbs Mixed Colours (5kg) £9.9500
This sack of daffodil bulbs includes a range of mixed colours and types, from yellow to creams, double flowers and single flower along with varying heights. Ideal for a longer flowering time in the garden next Spring.
Daffodil bulbs be planted in most positions in your garden from July to December. Plant in a free draining soil approximately 10cm deep and at least 5cm apart, but no more than 10cm. These daffodil bulbs are idea to naturalise on banks, in lawns, under shrubs or in rose beds.
Allium Purple Sensation (7 bulbs) £2.9500
Bulb of the year 2009. Allium purple sensation look great in borders, with a height of 90cm, they flower in May/June.
Alliums will grow in a wide range of soils provided there is good drainage. They like sunshine but the flowers will last longer in partial shade.
Valuable for planting in groups in borders or for naturalising (flowering for year after year). Excellent long lasting cut flowers.
Late planting in Autumn prevents bulbs from making early shoots which can be damaged in frosts.
Plant taller varieties to the rear of borders flowers can be used for dried arrangements.
Anemone Bordeaux (15 bulbs) £1.9500
A deep, rich coloured Anemone. Anemone Bordeaux works well on its own or mixed with other colours to enhance a display. It grows to around 30cm in height and flowers in May / June. Perfect in flowerbeds.
Anemone will grow in a wide range of soils provided there is good drainage. They like sunshine or partial shade and good supply of humus such as leaf mould or compost.
Excellent for naturalising in borders, containers, rockeries, wild gardens and woodland.
Fully hardy will not need any attention for many years when they may be lifted, divided and replanted.
Soak the corms in water for three hours before planting, as this helps them to establish.
Anemones grow well with ranunculus.