New products at Plant Me Now
by John - August 27th, 2014.Filed under: New Products, Plant Me Now.
Plant Me Now has these new items today
Tulip Shirley (8 bulbs) £2.9500
Shirley tulips are a while tulip with fine mauve edges. Growing to around 50cm and flowering in April/May.
Tulips will grow in a wide range of soils provided there is good drainage. They like sunshine but the flowers will last longer in partial shade.
Ideal for beds and borders, remove flower heads as they begin to fade. Avoid planting tulips repeatedly in exactly the same spot that they have been grown in in recent years.
Tulips are best lifted when the leaves fade. Clean and store until the Autumn, when they can be replanted. Do not keep the small off-shoots as they will not flower.
Display in groups, great for underplanting roses or growing through muscari.
Crocus Whitewell Purple (20 bulbs) £2.4500
Low growing and early flowering. Whitewell Purple is a tommasinianus variety of crocus perfect for naturalising in lawns as part of an early spring display marking the end of winter. Growing to only 8cm in height and flowering in February/March Crocus Whitewell Purple makes an excellent addition to any garden.
Crocus are great for naturalising in wild gardens, rockeries, woodland, between shrubs and in tubs on terrace or patios.
They prefer full sun or partial shade.
Crocus prefer a rather heavy soil with a good supply of humus, well drained. Enrich sandy soil with leaf-mould.
Crocus spread rapidly and should be lifted every 3 – 4 years after the foliage fades, divided and replanted. A top dressing of high potash and phosphate fertiliser from early in the spring is beneficial for better flowering.