Garden And Gardener

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New products at Crocus

by Sarah - September 10th, 2014.
Filed under: Crocus, New Products.

Crocus just added these new products

Hydrangea Endless Summer Twist-n-Shout ('Piihm-I') (lacecap hydrangea)

Hydrangea Endless Summer Twist-n-Shout (‘Piihm-I’) (lacecap hydrangea) £22.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: moist, well-drained, moderately fertile, humus-rich soil Rate of growth: fast-growing Flowering period: June to October Flower colour: pink (in normal or alkaline soils) Hardiness: fully hardy The latest member of the ‘Endless Summer’ group of hydrangeas, this cultivar produces masses of pink lacecap flowers for a very long period throughout summer and autumn – usually right up to the first hard frosts. These flowers are held on sturdy, upright, reddish stems and create a really beautiful splash of colour. Ideal for mixed borders, they also cope well in large pots as long as they are kept well watered. In acidic soils, the flower colour will become bluer. Garden care: Leave the old flower heads in place through the winter. As the new shoots start to emerge in spring cut back a third to a quarter of the previous seasons flowering stems to the base and cut back the remaining flower heads to the first pair of buds.

Loropetalum 'Ever Red' (loropetalum)

Loropetalum ‘Ever Red’ (loropetalum) £19.99
Position: partial shade Soil: fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: February to April Hardiness: frost hardy (may need winter protection) Garden care: Requires minimal pruning, but lightly trim after flowering to encourage bushy growth.

Berberis thunbergii 'Lutin Rouge' (PBR) (barberry)

Berberis thunbergii ‘Lutin Rouge’ (PBR) (barberry) £14.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: well-drained soil Rate of growth: slow to average Flowering period: April to June Hardiness: fully hardy It is tolerant of shade where the foliage will be green , but for best red foliage colour is when it is grown in full sun. Garden care: Requires minimal pruning. Where some pruning is required, cut back in autumn or winter, after the appearance of the autumn fruits.

Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris 'Silver Lining' (PBR) (climbing hydrangea)

Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris ‘Silver Lining’ (PBR) (climbing hydrangea) £14.99
Position:sun to partial shade Soil:fertile, well-drained soil Rate of growth:slow at first, then medium Flowering period: midsummer Hardiness: fully hardy Pruning: none required A brand new cultivar that has only just been released onto the British market. It is very similar in most respects to the species, but instead of the normally deep green leaves, the foliage of this one has a very pretty variegation. Tolerant of some shade, it is ideal for lighting up a dark wall or corner, and the flowers when they appear in midsummerwill put on a wonderful display. Garden care: Plant in moist, fertile soil and do not allow the soil to dry out while the plant is getting established. This hydrangea flowers on the previous season’s wood, so if you need to prune it back, do so in late autumn or early spring, but be warned that this will restrict flowering the following year.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Dark Angel' (PBR) (lacecap hydrangea)

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Dark Angel’ (PBR) (lacecap hydrangea) £12.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: moist, well-drained, moderately fertile, humus-rich soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: July to September Hardiness: fully hardy A fab new lacecap hydrangea with impressive, richly coloured flowerheads that are shown at their best against the backdrop of the prominently-veined, burgundy-flushed foliage. The colour of the ‘flowers’ intensifies as the flowers mature (as with all the hortensias, there will be some variation in colour depending on the soils pH), but they become richer as the summer progresses. Relatively compact, it is also good in pots provided they are kept well watered. It is a stunner that is already pulling in the awards! Garden care: Hydrangeas do not like to dry out. In dry weather, soak the roots with a hose and the plant will usually recover. Remove faded flowerheads in spring after the danger of frosts, cutting back the flowered stems to a strong pair of buds. Take out misplaced or diseased shoots. Mulch young plants with a well-rotted manure or compost in spring. Once established, remove a quarter to a third of the shoots to the base of the plant.

Helleborus x hybridus Harvington  double pink (Lenten rose hellebore)

Helleborus x hybridus Harvington double pink (Lenten rose hellebore) £11.99
Position: partial shade Soil: any moist, neutral to alkaline soil, including heavy soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: February to April Other features: all parts of the plant cause severe discomfort if ingested; the sap may cause skin irritation; dark greyish-green leaves give off an unpleasant odour when crushed Hardiness: fully hardy Showy, nodding or outward-facing, saucer-shaped, pink double flowers appear from late winter to early spring. The handsome evergreen foliage is leathery, deepl y cut and dark green. This lenten rose is grown from seed, so colour variations may occur, and some are speckled inside. It looks best planted in groups at th e front of a partially shady mixed border, or under shrubs among spring-flowerin g bulbs. In former times, hellebores were planted close to cottage doors to prevent evil spirits crossing the threshold. Garden care: Add lots of well-rotted leaf mould or organic matter to the planting hole. Cut the old leaves back down to the ground in January or February as this will show off the new emerging flowers to best effect. It will also help to get rid of foliar diseases such as Hellebore leaf spot. Apply a generous 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of well-rotted organic matter around the base of the plant in autumn and provide a top-dressing of general fertiliser each spring.

Euphorbia griffithii 'Dixter' (spurge)

Euphorbia griffithii ‘Dixter’ (spurge) £9.99
Position: partial shade Soil: moist, well-drained garden soil but will tolerate light clay Rate of growth: fast growing Flowering period: June to September Hardiness: fully hardy This deciduous variety, from plantsman Christopher Lloyd’s garden at Great Dixter in East Sussex, has copper-tinted, dark green, lance-shaped leaves with red central veins and rich, brick-red summer flowers that fade to red and yellow in autumn. The flower colour is slightly darker than the better known ‘Fireglow’ and it’s a fabulous spurge for a vibrant planting scheme based on hot colours in a sunny border, or with bronze-tinted ornamental grasses. Given a moist, well-drained soil it may need restricting, since it quickly forms small colonies. It tolerates light clay. Garden care: After flowering remove the faded flower-heads. When working with spurges always wear gloves since the milky sap is poisonous and a potential skin irritant.

x Alcalthaea suffrutescens 'Parkallee' (hollyhock (Syn Alcea x  Althaea Parkallee))

x Alcalthaea suffrutescens ‘Parkallee’ (hollyhock (Syn Alcea x Althaea Parkallee)) £8.99
Position: full sun Soil: moderately-fertile, well-drained soil Rate of growth: fast-growing in height and spread Flowering period:July to November Hardiness: fully hardy This tall perennial has been developed by crossing a common hollyhock (Alcea spp.) with an Althaea. The goal was to produce a plant which put on a prolific dispaly of flowers, but didn’t suffer from rust like a hollyhock. After many years of development, this is the result – and we think it’s a cracker. Unlike the more upright hollyhock, it will quickly form a spreading vase shape, and its stems will be evenly studded with open bowl-shaped flowers from July to November. Each flower emerges a light apricot and fades to a buttermilk-cream as it matures. At the centre of each, are pronounced bronze stamens, and a central frill of what looks like tiny petals, which creates a very attractive detail. In the October 2010 issue of Gardens Illustrated, Bob Brown of Cotswold Garden Flowers, lists this as one of his seasonal favourites and we have to agree. This is a brilliant, long-flowering plant, that will provide a voluminous display of colour year after year. Garden care: Water well during dry spells. To prevent ‘rust’ from taking hold, either spray with Bordeaux Mixture (organic) or Murphy Tumbleblite (non-organic) every 10-14 days. In autumn, trim the stems back to within 50-60cm from the ground, and as you see new grwoth breaking through in spring, you can cut it back harder if desired. Cutting it back a little later in the year will help keep it more compact. Avoid excessive winter wet.

Campanula lactiflora (milky bellflower)

Campanula lactiflora (milky bellflower) £7.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil Rate of growth: average to fast-growing Flowering period: July to September Hardiness: fully hardy Tall, branching stems bearing clusters of deep lilac or slate-blue, open, bell-shaped flowers appear from July to September among toothed, mid-green leaves. This tall bellflower is a cottage-garden classic and is perfect towards the back of a mixed or herbaceous border. It’s a happy companion for old roses, self-seeds freely, and the flower colour is retained best in partial shade. Garden care: Protect the tender foliage from slugs and deadhead regularly to prolong flowering and prevent seeding. Apply a generous 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of well-rotted compost around the base of the plant in spring. Stake with bamboo canes or brushwood in spring before the flowers appear.