New products at Plant Me Now
by John - September 10th, 2014.Filed under: New Products, Plant Me Now.
Plant Me Now has these new products today
Hyacinth Mixed Colours (15 bulbs) £6.9500
This great value pack of hyacinth bulbs will produce a fabulous show, flowering in Spring. These bedding hyacinths are a mix of the most popular hyacinth colours.
Bedding hyacinths will grow in a wide range of soils provided there is good drainage. They like sunshine but the flowers will last longer in partial shade.
Suitable for beds, borders and containers. The fragrant flowers are perfect for planting near doors, windows or pathways.
Remove flowers when they fade but leave the stem and leaves to die back naturally. These bulbs may produce reasonable sized flowers for a number of years.
Hyacinth bulbs can cause a skin irritation. Please use gloves or wash hands after handling.
Early Naturalising Scatter Box £5.9500
The Early Naturalising Scatter Box is specially designed to create a stunning mix of bulbs that will flower early in the season.
This selection includes:
Crocus Tommasinianus Blue Shades
How to Plant: choose and area to plant and throw randomly onto the ground. Plant where they fall to create an informal, random and natural effect to brighten lawns, verges and wildflower areas.
Shallot Jermor (10 shallots for overwintering) £2.9500
Jermor Shallots are a tempting copper coloured shallot with a rosy flesh. Ideal for over winter planting for an early harvest.
Shallots require a deeply cultivated and well-drained soil.
Shallots will benefit from an application of general fertiliser in the soil prior to planting. Plant as instructed. Check every few days, until growth commences and re-plant any sets that are disturbed by birds etc.
When the leaves start to die down, use a fork to partly ease the shallots out of the soil. After a few days, bend the tops over and after a similar period, lift the shallots leaving them on the surface to ripen. When dry, rub off the loose skin and roots. Store in a cool dry place in trays.
Side growth can be used in spring salads. Excellent for cooling or pickling.
Onion Electric Red (50 onion sets for overwintering) £1.9500
Electric onion sets are a great choice for over wintering. Plant in Autumn for an early harvest. Use the young growth as Spring onions.
Onions require a deeply cultivated and well-drained soil.
Onions will benefit from an application of general fertiliser in the soil prior to planting. Follow the instructions for planting. Check every few days, until growth commences and re-plant any sets that are disturbed by birds etc.
When the leaves start to die down, use a fork to partly ease the onions out of the soil. After a few days, bend the tops over and after a similar period, lift the onions leaving them on the surface to ripen. When dry, rub off the loose skin and roots. Store them in a cool dry place in trays or make into an onion rope.
Plant these onion sets rather than seeds as they are more reliable and earlier to harvest.