Garden And Gardener

Everything for the Gardener and their Garden

New products at Crocus

by Sarah - September 17th, 2014.
Filed under: Crocus, New Products.

Crocus has these new products today

Rosa Charlotte ('Auspoly') (PBR) (rose Charlotte (shrub))

Rosa Charlotte (‘Auspoly’) (PBR) (rose Charlotte (shrub)) £26.50
Position: full sun Soil: fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil Rate of growth: fast-growing Flowering period: June to September Other features: excellent cut-flowers Hardiness: fully hardy A compact rose with somewhat upright stems bearing mid-sized, cup-shaped blooms in a butter yellow shade. The flowers are very beautiful and have a reasonably strong Tea Rose perfume. Noted for its cold hardiness, this rose is a great choice for Northern gardens, or those that are exposed to severe winters. All our roses are grown in an open field and then dug up when the weather conditions are right in October or November. Some suppliers send out their roses as ‘bare root’ plants (ie without pots or compost), but we pot ours up as it helps to keep the roots hydrated and in good condition. As they are dormant throughout the winter, they will not produce any new roots until spring, so don’t be surprised if the compost falls away from the roots when you take them out of their pots. The roses can be kept in their pots throughout the winter provided they are kept well fed and watered, however ideally they should planted out as soon as possible. They will already have been cut back so no further pruning will be required, apart from snipping off any tips that have died back. Routine pruning can begin in late winter the year after planting. Garden care: If planting in winter, choose a frost-free spell when the soil is not frozen. Roses are quite deep-rooted plants so dig a deep hole roughly twice as wide as the plants roots and mix in a generous amount of composted organic matter. A top-dressing of a general purpose fertiliser can be worked into the surrounding soil and we also recommend using Rose Rootgrow at this stage to encourage better root development. This is particularly important when planting into a bed where roses have previously been grown as Rose Rootgrow is said to combat rose sickness (aka. replant disease). Remove the plants from their pots and gently spread out the roots before placing them in the centre of the hole. Try to ensure that the ‘bud union’ (the point where the cultivated rose has been grafted onto the rootstock, and from where the shoots emerge) is at soil level. You can judge this quite easily by laying something flat, like a spade handle or bamboo cane, across the top of the hole. When they are at the right height, back-fill the hole, firming the soil down gen

Veronica 'Pink Harmony' (speedwell)

Veronica ‘Pink Harmony’ (speedwell) £5.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June and July Hardiness: fully hardy Noted for its abundance of blush-pink summer flowers, each with protruding deep pink stamens, this compact speedwell will mix well with pastel blues and purples as well as stronger shades of pink. Ideal in a cottage garden setting. Garden care: Remove faded flower stems in autumn. Apply a generous 5-7cm mulch of well-rotted garden compost or manure around the base of the plant in spring.

wallflower 'Primrose Dame' (wallflower - Erysimum)

wallflower ‘Primrose Dame’ (wallflower – Erysimum) £4.99
Position: full sun Soil: poor to moderately fertile, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil Rate of growth: average to fast-growing Flowering period: March to May Hardiness: fully hardy As they have been dug up from the ground they usually look a bit wilted and sad, however field grown plants are usually stronger and will perk up very quickly when planted out in the garden. Garden care: Provide cloche protection where frosts are very severe or prolonged. Please note that these wallflowers should be planted out as soon as they arrive!

wallflower 'Fire King' (wallflower - Erysimum)

wallflower ‘Fire King’ (wallflower – Erysimum) £4.99
Position: full sun Soil: poor to moderately fertile, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil Rate of growth: average to fast-growing Flowering period: March to May Hardiness: fully hardy Bright orange-red wallflowers that provide a stunning display in early spring. Often grown as a biennial plant, wallflowers perform best in full sun where their bright, fragrant flowers will shine. They look particularly effective in a large patio container or at the front of a sunny fertile, well-drained border, underplanted with red or yellow tulips. As they have been dug up from the ground they usually look a bit wilted and sad, however field grown plants are usually stronger and will perk up very quickly when planted out in the garden. Garden care: Provide cloche protection where frosts are very severe or prolonged. Please note that these wallflowers should be planted out as soon as they arrive!

wallflower 'Purple Shades' (wallflower - Erysimum)

wallflower ‘Purple Shades’ (wallflower – Erysimum) £4.99
Position: full sun Soil: poor to moderately fertile, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil Rate of growth: average to fast-growing Flowering period: March to May Hardiness: fully hardy As they have been dug up from the ground they usually look a bit wilted and sad, however field grown plants are usually stronger and will perk up very quickly when planted out in the garden. Garden care: Provide cloche protection where frosts are very severe or prolonged. Please note that these wallflowers should be planted out as soon as they arrive!

Hyacinth Vase (hayacinth vase)

Hyacinth Vase (hayacinth vase) £2.49
This clear glass bulb vase is perfect for growing prepared hyacinth bulbs in. To enjoy the intoxicating fragrance of hyacinths at Christmas and New Year, all you need to do is start growing you bulb in September or October. Fill the glass to the neck with water and then place the bulb in the top. The water level should be just below the bottom of the bulb. Keep the water topped up and the bulb in a dark place until the shoot is about 4-5cm tall. Then move it to a sunny spot indoors and watch it grow and flower.