Price reductions at Crocus
by Sarah - September 23rd, 2014.Filed under: Crocus, Price Reductions.
Crocus reduced the price on these items today
Ipomoea lobata (Spanish flag) was £1.99 now £1.49
Position: full sun Soil: moderately fertile, well-drained soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June to August Flower colour: rich purple and plum Other features: mid-green leaves; the seeds are highly toxic if ingested Hardiness: tender perennial This fast-growing climber forms a screen of relatively large, distinctly lobed foliage, which is very attractive in its own right. It is however for the abundance tubular summer flowers that this plant is most highly prized. Forming in one-sided sprays, these blooms are initially red, but fade to orange, yellow then finally white as they mature. The overall effect is extremely colourful. It will survive year after year if grown in a greenhouse or conservatory where temperatures do not drop below 10C. Garden care: Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours before sowing to soften them up and then plant 2.5mm deep into small pots filled with a freely draining compost. Keep them at around 20C and water when necessary. Thin out carefully when large enough to handle taking care not to damage the roots and harden off before planting out after all frosts. Provide adequate support for it to scramble up. Sow: March-April Flowering: June-September Approximate quantity: 15 seeds.
Flexible frame connector was £2.49 now £1.99
Build your own garden frames to whatever size or shape you need, to protect those precious plants from garden pests, or provide support for climbing plants. FIGO is also perfect for raised bed systems making support for either the plants or nets to keep birds off your crops.
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Miss Jessopp’s Upright’ (rosemary) was £3.99 now £2.99
Position: full sun Soil: well-drained soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: May to June Flower colour: purple-blue Other features: leaves may be used to flavour lamb, pork and roasted vegetables Hardiness: frost hardy (needs winter protection) Spikes of purple-blue flowers, from mid-spring to early summer, and aromatic, dark green leaves. This vigorous, upright rosemary is ideal for providing vertical interest in a sunny herb garden or border. The needle- leaves, useful for flavouring roasted vegetables and meats, should be picked regularly to ensure a plentiful supply of young, succulent leaves. Garden care: To ensure a plentiful supply of young, succulent leaves for culinary use gather the leaves regularly and prune each spring.
Field guide – bugs on bushes was £5.99 now £3.99
This 12-page laminated fold-out chart is a name trail designed to help children identify the insects and other invertebrates found in the foliage of plants. The Animal Fact File provides a concise summary of the main groups of animals that may be encountered. Other information is included on food webs, pyramids of numbers and on project ideas based on tree-beating, sweep-netting and the use of pooters. This chart is part of the FSC’s range of fold-out charts, designed to help users identify of a wide range of plants and animals. Each chart is laminated to make it shower-proof and robust for use outdoors. Clear colour illustrations and text by experts in the subject make these valuable resources for all age groups. Height: 250 mm Width: 165 mm Depth: 3 mm
Field guide – caterpillars was £5.99 now £3.99
Butterflies have four stages in their life cycle (egg caterpillar pupa butterfly). This 8-panel laminated fold-out chart shows colour images of the caterpillars of 57 of the more commonly encountered species in Britain and Ireland. Information on the distribution, food plants and life cycle of each species illustrated is included. This chart is part of the FSC’s range of fold-out charts, designed to help users identify of a wide range of plants and animals. Each chart is laminated to make it shower-proof and robust for use outdoors. Clear colour illustrations and text by experts in the subject make these valuable resources for all age groups. Height: 250 mm Width: 165 mm Depth: 3 mm
Buddleja Buzz Ivory ‘Tobuivo’ (PBR) (Buzz Series) (butterfly bush) was £5.99 now £3.99
Position: full sun Soil: fertile, well-drained soil Rate of growth: fast-growing Flowering period: July to September Hardiness: fully hardy A long-flowering shrub, with arching stems that terminate in conical panicles that are densely packed with small tubular flowers. Fast growing but compact, the showy flowers are very attractive to butterflies and bees. Garden care: Prune back hard in March, removing all of the previous year’s growth to three or four buds.
Field guide – butterflies was £5.99 now £3.99
This 8-panel laminated guide / chart – is designed for speedy butterfly identification in the field. Colour illustrations, arranged so that similar looking species are grouped next to each other, show all the 57 butterfly species that you are likely to see. All are depicted at life size. The text gives further background information on the life-cycle, habitats and feeding patterns of butterflies. The British butterfly guide / chart is part of the FSC’s range of fold-out charts, designed to help users with the identification of a wide range of plants and animals. Each guide / chart is laminated to make it shower-proof and robust for use outdoors. Clear colour illustrations and text by experts in the subject make these valuable resources for all age groups. Height: 250 mm Width: 165 mm Depth: 3 mm
Bergenia cordifolia ‘Purpurea’ (elephant’s ears) was £7.99 now £5.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: any soil Rate of growth: average to fast Flowering period: March to April Hardiness: fully hardy The red-flushed, rippled foliage of this large elephant’s ears can grow up to 30cm long and will turn attractive shades of rich purple throughout the winter, especially when grown in poorer soils. In late winter and early spring, tall red stems carry clusters of cerise pink flowers. This variety has handsome purple-tinged leaves and bears spikes of deep pink flowers on red stems in spring. A favourite of garden designer Gertrude Jekyll and plantswoman Beth Chatto, this robust plant is great for edging well-trodden paths or planted in groups as ground cover, or providing a foil for delicate plants. Garden care: After flowering remove faded flowerheads. Cut off damaged foliage in spring. Lift and divide large clumps in early spring.
Rodgersia aesculifolia (rodgersia) was £8.99 now £6.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: humus-rich, moist soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: July Flower colour: white or pink Other features: large, horse chestnut-like leaves Hardiness: fully hardy Towering spikes of star-shaped, white or pink flowers on large panicles up to 60cm long in midsummer. This striking, clump-forming perennial with its horse chestnut-like leaves looks great planted in the moist margins of a stream or pond. Best grown in a sheltered, shady spot where it contrasts well with the lacy texture of ferns. Garden care: Add lots of well-rotted leaf mould when planting. Protect the young foliage against slug damage using beer traps or environmentally friendly slug pellets. Lift and divide congested colonies in early spring.