New products at Crocus
by Sarah - October 25th, 2014.Filed under: Crocus, New Products.
Crocus has these new products today
Magnolia x wieseneri (magnolia) £44.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: moist, well-drained, preferably neutral to acidic soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June and July Hardiness: fully hardy A wonderful Magnolia that produces heavily scented flowers in early summer. Each cream-coloured, cup-shaped flower has a prominent boss of pinkish-red stamens at its heart, and is encased in three pale pink outer petals. It has a naturally shrubby and spreading habit, but it can be trained from a young specimen to become more tree-like. Garden care: Requires minimal pruning. Remove any broken, diseased or crossing branches in midsummer.When planting, add plenty of peat to the planting hole and mulch each spring with manure and leafmould – especially on dryer soils.
Phyllostachys vivax f. aureocaulis (phyllostachys bamboo) £39.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil Rate of growth: fast growing Leaves: mid-green Canes: rich yellow Hardiness: fully hardy A spectacular large bamboo with rich yellow canes and mid-green leaves. The canes have unusual green markings giving the appearance that they have been randomly painted by a mischievous child. To guarantee success grow in a site protected from high winds, where the colourful canes can be seen throughout the year. Garden care: Plant in a large container or surround the roots with a non-perishable barrier that restricts the plant’s spread.
Magnolia ‘Heaven Scent’ (magnolia) £39.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: moist, well-drained, acidic soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: April to June Hardiness: fully hardy A spring flowering, deciduous magnolia with an upright habit when young, later spreading. The goblet-shaped, fragrant blooms are flushed with pale pink on the outside, and appear from mid spring to early summer, avoiding most frosts. This magnolia is compact and therefore one of the best available for the small garden. Garden care: Plant in a sheltered spot, away from strong winds. Requires minimal pruning. Remove any broken, diseased or crossing branches in midsummer. The best time to plant is in April, adding plenty of peat to the planting hole, in a sheltered spot. Mulch in spring with manure and leafmould, especially on dry soils.
Magnolia ‘Butterflies’ (magnolia) £39.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: moist, well-drained, acidic soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: April to May Hardiness: fully hardy Green-flushed, yellow, slender-petalled, cup-shaped flowers, which open widely as the flowers mature to reveal red stamens, appear on this hybrid before the leaves emerge in spring. This beautiful small tree or large shrub, makes a spectacular specimen for the spring garden, especially when underplanted with seasonal flowering bulbs. Try to plant it where you can take full advantage of the scented flowers. Garden care: Requires minimal pruning. Remove any broken, diseased or crossing branches in midsummer. The best time to plant is in April, adding plenty of peat to the planting hole, in a sheltered spot. Mulch in spring with manure and leafmould, especially on dry soils.
Phyllostachys vivax f. aureocaulis (phyllostachys bamboo) £34.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil Rate of growth: fast growing Leaves: mid-green Canes: rich yellow Hardiness: fully hardy A spectacular large bamboo with rich yellow canes and mid-green leaves. The canes have unusual green markings giving the appearance that they have been randomly painted by a mischievous child. To guarantee success grow in a site protected from high winds, where the colourful canes can be seen throughout the year. Garden care: Plant in a large container or surround the roots with a non-perishable barrier that restricts the plant’s spread.
Pseudosasa japonica (arrow bamboo) £29.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil Rate of growth: fast-growing Leaves: dark green, oblong Canes: olive green, maturing to pale beige and dark green Hardiness: fully hardy Tall, vigorous bamboo with olive canes maturing to pale beige and dark green oblong leaves. Arrow bamboo is one of the most wind and shade tolerant varieties. Broadly upright in habit, as long as the roots are surrounded with a non-perishable barrier it makes an attractive screen or windbreak for moist, well-drained areas of the garden. Garden care: Plant in a large container or surround the roots with a non-perishable barrier that restricts the plant’s spread.
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Zaza’ (Black Steel Series) (black steel hydrangea) £27.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: moist, well-drained, moderately fertile, humus-rich soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: July and August Flower colour: blue (becoming pink on alkaline soils) Other features: The flower-heads make excellent dried flower arrangements Hardiness: fully hardy Large rounded flowerheads form on the lustrous near-black stems of this brand new hydrangea from midsummer. Emerging a vibrant shade of green, but turning to blue (or pink if grown on neutral to alkaline soils) as they mature, before taking on russet tones in autum. Creating a magnificent informal hedge, this recently introduced shrub will also make a fine spectacle of itself in a mixed border or large pot. Garden care:To enhance flowering prune in spring, cutting back the flowered stems to a strong pair of buds below each flower-head. Once established, remove a quarter to a third of the old shoots to the base of the plant. If you would like to ensure the flower colour stays blue, then hydrangea colourant should be applied.
Cercis siliquastrum (Cercis siliquastrum) £24.99
Position: full sun Soil: moist, well-drained soil Rate of growth: slow-growing Flowering period: March to April Flower colour: pink Other features: ideal for a warm, Mediterranean garden or on a south-facing bank Hardiness: fully hardy A lovely spreading tree that is often seen with multiple stems. Glaucous heart-shaped leaves appear after the flowers and turn pale yellow and brown in autumn. It is a lovely small tree for a warm, south-facing spot as it needs the heat to ripen the new shoots each summer to flower well the following spring. The pink blooms appear well before the leaves, and after a particularly warm summer, can cover the entire tree from the shoot tips to right down the trunk. Garden care: Plant in their final location when young as they resent being transplanted. Requires minimal pruning. Remove any broken, diseased or crossing branches in late autumn or winter. When planting incorporate lots of well-rotted garden compost in the planting hole and stake firmly.
Callistemon citrinus ‘Splendens’ (bottlebrush mini half standard) £19.99
The photos on this page shows the plant with gift wrap. This is not included in the price, however you may add gift wrap (for an additional charge of £4.95) during the order process. Position: full sun Soil: moist, well-drained, neutral to acid soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: April to August Flowers: red Hardiness: half hardy (will need winter protection) Splendid crimson-red flowerspikes are borne in profusion, putting on an impressive display in spring and summer. An eye-catching specimen for a sunny shrub border, the new foliage emerges with a pinkish-red flush, but turn dark green with age. In frost prone areas it’s best to grow them in a container so it can be overwintered in a cool greenhouse or conservatory. The leaves will release a delicious lemon scent when crushed. Garden care: Tip prune young plants to encourage bushy growth. Established plants should be pruned in stages over two or three summers, cutting back older wood to younger, outward-facing shoots immediately after flowering.